7. Incidentais 8~New equipment ......... TOT'AL POLICE DEPÀRTMENT ... 1... TEN PIRE DEPA l~Salaries (a) Ohief of Pire Departx»ent ...... (b) Two Captains of Fire Departnment .......... (c) -six miern ................................. Total................ ................. salaries (volunteers)...................................0.0 Light» beat. and po)wer .................................. Suies.................................1150 2lanteanc cfeq4ipment...............................0.0 Inceidentais.............................................500 Building maintenance.....-...............................550.00 TOTAL PIRE DEpARTMENT ... COLLECTION AND D19POSAL .0F.ASHEËS ND RJBBISH Labor....................................l11497.10 Truck niainteniance .............................. Rental -of >dump.........................,0.0 gueriaon......................................1'545.00 Incidntais........................... ................ TýO1tAL COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL OP ASHES AND RUBBISH............ PLANNING AND- ZOiNNG r ublishingorinanices, fncidenital'expens;es and rnember=pinNaional Conference on City Planning TOTAL PLAN'NING AND ZON,-ING;.......... INTEREST ON TAX ANTICIPATION -%VARRANTS intere-t on Tax Antivipation 'Warrants........ TOTAL, INTERE'ST ON TA.-N ANTICIPATION WARRANTS............... ............... TOAGENER -- I. CORPORATION PU*»RPOr-E 3......... 0 ltts pâ: 9020 500: ,6. 2070 3,010.00 000i BOARD 0F TRUSTBES 0F TURE. VILL4 4%. 2ND DAY OF lUNE. 1936, PCHOLAS P. MILLER, village. clork., AI>PROVED THIS 2.ND D»AY 0OPNE 1936. MARRY C. K.NxnE Village. Presitent. .TTrETý: NMICHIOLAS.P. MILLER, Vlltage, Clerk. PID1 SHFED THE. 4TH 1DAY 0 F.JU.NEF.1 NICHOLAS P. MILLER. villageiek., A tgt yw SPlE'CIAL FUNDS Coictin lb<r................... ........... Incinerator labor ............................... Truck nmainte-nance ........... ................... Powt:-r. ligie. and 'phont............................ Coal and mreanosupie....... .......... (a) ih) là, Superintendent of Public NN'"rk.s' salary . .. . $ 1--, IIê-y isp.~o'.sr. .................... 600.00 945.00 rnagnetism or hypnotism i. thespcle terni for error, or mortal miadu It i8 the false belief that mniàd Us iD matter, and. ii both cviil and good; $ 17.152.10 J~ I that évii is as rmal, as good- and more powerfut' This- belief has mot $ 125.00 one quality of Truth. It is either. g"Ancient 'and Modern"Neëromancy.. $ 125.00 betionnced," wvas the subject of the norant or malicious" (p. 103). lesson-sermon ini ail Churches of $ 2,000.00 Christ, Scienzistoiî £wdaji, May 31. CI2I4C IÉ&VICIÉS The golden text was; "They that CHITLM4 "God the Only Cause and Creator" S 2.000.00 observe lying vanities fôrsake their will be the subject at the services in $264,822.91 own, Mercy" (Jonah Z2:8). First Church of Christ, Scientist, i Arnong the citations whjch com- Wihnette, held Sunday morning,, june $8,240.00 prised the lesson-sermon was tbe 7, at 11. o'clock, in the edifice at 1003 2.900.00 following froui the Bible: "Regard Central avenue. Sunday school con.,010.00 300.00 net them that have- faxiliar spirits, venes at 9:45 o'clpclc. 2,000.00 neither seek after wizards, te be defiled by thenl: I arn the Lord your God" (Leviticus 19:31)., - Christiana Science 1.1 1. 1. lCharches I litert-. ,z f T..'& a»tcxai'Wî~arrants ....... Pildi.igs. grouind>z and #equipnwt nantnn. *TOT.XL 1;ARBA;E _................ PUBLIC BENEFITS I. Par the paynbnt 4)f imstalliments of public benetits assedagainst the Village ................ 2.F'r interest due ou installîment>z of public. benefi«ts.as~svla.galust th., Village .................. *TOTAL PUBLIC BENEFITS ................ BONDED) IEBT. nra Obligation o-r payrn nt of primeipal on iseiya.............. u-n *Bonds. dut Faxv interest due during fis.'al y-ear on1Gnea Obligation Bonds. .............. $ 8,486.87 4,409.58. HINT TO RUSY flOUSE WIFR $8.000.00 L. 2. I1 t 2. Expe..................................... DIET ................... .BONDED TO--TAL i. Fr pamentof iENSIOX For1)xynt-it )fpe.nSiOnS ........................ FI-ND $2,7475.00 ~27).00 - IUBTJC XABRARY 1. Salaries ffl (a) Librarian c ................ ............... .,..............1,200.00 $ 2,100,.00 j Assistant Librarian sistanlt........................1,140.00 Ase { Cilrens Lbratan........................1,720.00 o Sb8lvCIrfl..................................00.00 MT e nd fil. pli, , l->try