ofttte 1Illinois -Circuit .court,- 5v-enKI 1 cîrcuit. JudÉe Phillips will direct the course, Former Procedure." in '4Federal ,majority floor,;. eader of the New, Mexico senate, h~e was appointed as a United States district judge by.Prçsi4 dent Harding and a s a circuit ,judge by President Hoover in 1929. Dr, Radin wiIl be mn charge ofo the ebL"8in- .'Quagî Çoutracts.. An n Romn' and -civi khei the g~r " o ~evebooks, incv *gth~r "The JUMdbook- of *,Romaýn Lawbp" blieslxtion of the Greekiâ and' no.OImIS- . rporations," and "The Lawful- Pursuit of Gain." Euùse t IJ.f I. Two courses wili-be taught by Or. Btltton, who hbsr 'been a .wenibe.r oi the School of Law at the University of Illinkis since 1916, "Bankruptc%, e g o ti a b e Instruments. and "'N Anong the texts which lie lias written are "Cases on Business Law," '?Cases on the Law of Bankruptcy," and "Cases on te Law of Bis and Notes." Judge Hemphifl will direct a course in "Illinois Civil Procedureé.r * f*hs'r classes to be offered during ,ing 1H»siior-. of Anne ty ai year 090, North Shore Staff Photo and- facing thse Kenikiport& LIStil institute and the Scientific Crime Detection laboratory, will also be available during.the summer. Mary Lou Moreau, a Pi Beta Phi ai Knox college, will bring Miss> Peg Porter of Frcderick, Md., home with her Weclnesday to be her guest for of Our neigh- sseveral days' next week. .. = n.. J* . Friday frot the returned nut avenue, University of Illinois. Hle bas coinpIeted his freshinan ycar and is a jmeruber of Delta Upsilon fraternity. .. C awucýu ý f Tfl ahe ives, was hostess toc at luncheon and--bridge last Wek.L 1menace North Shore umane So- f