of the school The program: ï*rs one 0 Cone Unto Me 1&1vla -y là uup&t iotui%. gire coin Park Masonie lodge anda formner irector of ShawneeCoty onr Reîchardt Where God lHath Walked. .... Mihiel c'IlbL He is survived. by 'bis 1wiidow,' Who Hath Bulit Theeo ,01ovely. Wod.... Henrietta,* and by: a daughter, Mrs. ........... MndeI.~oIii Vayne Collins, of Omaba. IntermNow Let Every Tongue- Adore Thee was in St. Louis.I B. hent (Froni logleepers, Awake") Beys# Choir He was a past master of the Lini- aJut .)7iD y earsag.. 24 souS w &bout eur rése «&rge- Ifnd . lh> i g "Tueee n'Om Como Unto Uai; Mesah'e) (frein :Ce Boys, choir1 .Negro W1IDur. Hinel D. Moore Dies at rome of i-eart u.,uese! Wilb'ur D. Moore, son of the late Fifth and Sixth Grade Gîrlo' Chorus S~wing Low. Swoet Chariot ý ..... Edward F. and Mary Ellen Moore, Spiritual: died at his home, 633 Laurel avenue. ...... Geérman Folk qfOngon Sunday.Treo Lltehstnuts M. Moore, who -retired from ;busiOld King Colo Traditional 'Englis1à A ý ness sev'eral years ago because of heart disease, bad juat returnied from BOart Choir violin Solo, ~Adoration".. l3oi,(w.ki: a hospital wbere be had hoped to oh. R..'.. NaturaIly there wlll result little acciteta sh as cut fIuigerus, skiained kue.., a few brutms, nome sunburai.. ou'll want your mediçine chest well stocked wlth simple reme-. dies wheon such Injuries cmme. Rlght now te. the: ture to stock up. mèe Are mamoerous'thinga for rour medicehie thet; al ll ra ee dies at temipttng price.. Thon thero, tp or lurnner are other ned suchasmuvi tlwmmnmàV S CHOOL will moon b. -out Whlch imeans. play..for the ebliren.' .. Aë Vîolînceflo Solos: Mrjs. SeueranJIucoWmttsilst Lied.... ................Haydn! Donald Maxwell tain some relief, %inet He had lived in .brothers,, Wltte~2 o 1ya Song of May ......... Germai] Dance.. MozaIrt Edwvard A.Moore and Louis D. Nfffli ~More and a sister, Jane A. Moore.1 He ije survived by two IV.~ Tem AAuTION mm o s£ ue"D ..S2. eS i>.Number Ont, * .. .Wolfhurl,21 *mhle:Ini its IVoliat t tated. til; Wolfha il , Cn -u .. .. .. .. .. ý33C .. .... . 2S adB&16... 1Kit * Numbei' Two ...Wolfhiart teddng-Gerda Stroleger fitied ini istrate jc ýxo fCoope Brase Quart Stete.' irltuals t Matil- -Donald %Làixwel RPoger Sherman Mrs. W. WhitaMer Bac r, Beechwood 'avenue, will entertai members of her reading ch luncheon Friday of this week. Blada4 10(Zfree) 49c Adhesive Pater, Ill 35C ýhe at! 25c 4-o,-Cqttern (Sterllu) Z-os. Spirits sof sanphor.25C Choir MeiaLus ]I .23c Pant u MI.Magàwsia ... 33C zsc Baud-aid ...... WM Romt ISfr TnIs $L3 ývwlu. fer 619 Mem UeMA Seltur....... 49,C Mr,. J. W. Aider and ber daughter. Marie, 931 Greenwood avenue, leftI i M.%anitowoc. Mppday to spend rnost of this weclk Co..