lr and PSPPUER 6 To A BOX SHAKERS Ageammrng addition. to any dininer pa'rty, ýfine for family use tôoolAnd, if you're lookingand for an unusual weddïig gif t, here's just wvhat you want.69 They're all sterling silver in assorted style.BX Buy two boxes for, a complete service for 6., SiUverawre-S*reei floor, If iss Helenz B. Orz-is. w/wi lias cative in, campus .acti > ities1 1a! Oberlj,, colleqe diirisic, the PaS! or' Îtl!s. as, radîîate'd t. Obetr/j,, I'îît O ,i as hec,, presidée.î, of !,c, deroijitorv. diaplain of lier -ý miq clui,, presidcîît of lier soor-il. *ipaKap'pa. and £assistant ii lq,,P-'h f ler seniïor veae. Mi.,Ovis bas flot decided wlwtlier -sýle wiII teach during the coming year. or takc her master's work 'in bioliegy at tlie University of Chicago. 'She is a- grafluate of the New Trier T-igbh chN'and a daughter of Dr. and. NJr.Il. (). Orvis, 467 Linden street. MiPs> Anna Gertrude Orvis, Dr. and! \I r,. ()rvis' youngest daughter. gradu-!; ated J une 8, froin the acadeiny of Frances Shimer junio)r college. Sfic ilï, class treasurer and basketball captain, and won honors ini arcberv this year. )~rcî.ad r.Ovsatne xh o CUT-OUT* MONOCRAM STATIONIRY 79C. %0 Box Woew. Herron WiII Attend Meet of Committee on Records: Har'H. Herron, registrar at New: TIrier ihsbo, iI attend ses.0ons oif a special suh-committec on records, in New York City, this weekn(L The )e)r * Velluan, Linen, or RippI* Finish paper in attractive colors wot a l cillent monogr., s ,ally much higher pric.d.. Street Fleugr in the edifice ai -Stinday morirl (),dock. Sunda, at9:45 <)cIock. USE OUR ONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN . 3 MOtITHS To PAY