Trh e cerenony,. for the families and a few friends, was perforned' by Rabbi Charles Shulmnan of North Shorc Congreg-ation Israel and1 was followed i1w ?a lunchcoù. The. bride,, who vas unattende. I wore a wcclding dress of brown she',r i mnaterial trinimed iii white, a %vhit e hat, white accessories and a corsage' of, white orchids and Mies of thie yalley.. Al whiteAfower., were used for tedcrtosa the cereinony .iar-.tocsVair.deNVo r th, and the rccep.tion'. "Several relatives capme fron ont ni N\orth vo! 'ililinciite, î,S té bc marrieà tyWn *'for the wedding. .aniong thern IoJohn Bu,ýirton TOdd, onoll0'f Ars. the bridlegroom's grandmnother., Mrs. fl'rtc C. Todd of ilàiiailtonl, Ohtiv, M. ',M. Kami of Pittsburgh. Pa., bis .SalurdavtcinJoe .be 'iunt and iuncle. Mr. and. Mrs. Nor,ite honeçIi ek miauiKanin of Mansfield. Ohiô. andI the br(ides grandnîo.iLthier. M rs.. Benjaînlin fceinan of \asu VMrs. Edwvard Steitiatm caine rom I sCathcriiî Nftiiiro, daughter of Ncw 'ork citv. afi NI rs-. I1,l -johin G. \Iinro,.1,1,19 imwood avc cer rm tftIllditLne. sîe 1lt severai days visiting a Mr. Solonion and IiPs bride .ha\ c friend ini Danville before retuirnin.g ~~~'ne ~ ~ ntîîrlcdn to ~ Wiscni ~ l o imettc last iveek froni Mactrip and \viI Iinaku thecir hoincil ui ti"Mtirrav-college. *Jacksonville, 111. çja~t; EARTHENWARE fol . 311VER for stltnîer laidesý $2,25 00r ,Mary-Stokes Yan de North Joins Ranks of June Brides Ia010 C. .Todd of Hamilton, Ohio, which wvili take place on Satiirday evening. 20, at 8 oclock at the Van cde -June \1orth home in Wilmiette. 'l'le Rev BrrdBrady, pastor of St. Fran,cis Navier chutrch will officiate. A rucuption will follow for the iniediate relatives and friends. 'l'le bride's only attendanf will >e Ea. e anor Kelty of Austin, Pierre \'ý(l orth, trother of thle bride. bst l)Ce ma 6 ~f~ pa>ty anadI Immmcdia .M r. Tod< for' their east, after home il] ( the reception, inde will leave, n through the "gw- will make their