NVHITE 11AID WANTED FOR LAUNdry and second floor work.. Couple, kept. Refences. Glencoe -810. LOST -ID FOUND 71LTN5-ltp _ ___PT WANTED - EXPERIENÇIZD WITIE LýS r: BIACK VAT, WHITE SPOT. ['~At OD laundress. Wedniesday and. Thursdè.y. on breast. white ti1 ), end of> tait, hair off inside of, legs. Uewýard. Must hav'e best roferencos. A. M~. RutPhone Gloncoe 1667. ledge, -731-1Oth St., Iilmette 1746. 7 IL5-ltp W re Vur 1-ets HaVe G;IRL EÈXPERIENCED IN GENERAL -LT5-1 Atteiidanet. 1 )24-Houi' .housework and with chtldron. Good Bo arding - Plueking - Ctippihg. .ri-Rinniiiied referencos. Phone Glencoe 1030. 1 ni ui 'ba W'oodi.,, L()S ILME1'.'.1EA:, AT ST-" 7 L b-ltp Lindeii Ave. Wjnn. 3-d37-3451 urdav tftérnoo4)n. Iteward. W'ilmette EXPE-RIEN"'CED WHITI. 3MAID FOR BIT._WTD.-t4ALiE AND FEMALE LT5tr 2 ; .3 . general housework. W.Innetka 1908. 3LTNSý-ltp >ilî SPANIEL PUPPiES A.K.C. -~ 71LTN5-Ite F O UN D - S A LL DARK. GRAY reg. Best breeding. Prices reasoniable. IVHITE GIRl:L FOR SECOND WOR)PK striped kitten. -In vic-inîý ty rofitl rove AlSO WHITE'COtUPLE.S l-year-old male, -housebroken. and Washington Streets, Glencoe. Please 8605 Ferris and asýsist with children. Rieferonces GIENERAL AMAIDS Ave., ,Morton Grove.' cal!_Glencoe 207. requir.ed. Winnetka 3654. 3LT5-Ilp______________44LTNS-2tp 71LTN5-ltc XOt.RTH SHORe-REFERENCES LOST-NAVy BLUE H A N D) -KNI WHITE GJIRL FOR GENERAI. HOUSET FOR SALE-2 WJRE, HAIRED 1)008, .woik. 2. aduits, 3 children. No1 launJACKET, RED AND WITE ]BUT-feinale, 1 year otd and 3 mos. old, dry.- Winnetka 254-0,. TONS. REWARD). PHONE 'GJLPENCOE Pure 71LTN5-lip white. Pedigreed. 521 l'tiehiiuoijd Housebroken.Rd. Kenilwrirth, 5221 GIRLTO HELP WITH-HOUSEIVORkJ 746. 3LT5-tl> Phi. Winnetka 1075 or Rogers Park 55-8. 70LTN5-ite and cooklng. 2 eilidren. Stay ou place. LOST-4 RINGS ON LINDEN BE.4LN-t WIST-! TO FIN7D DAY WORK DURtING tweenl 4th and 5tb.. Streets, Wilmette. BAUT4R.XL R Phone Wilnette 4500.. 1 SERË1T 1YMC1-' 3LTN5-Itlp hund puppies. Flnest blood uines.Ex GARÉN111$3PER DAY; GIRL, ceptional value. Phone WVnnetka 803. COOK, CLEAN. GOOD WITH CHIL- ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A STEADY ____________________44LTN5-ltc DREN, 45e PER HR. WINNETKA Job or a botter Job than you have VACATI0Ný ÔN-A FAIZMFO SAL 331. 70LTN5-itp now' Must owu a car and' be abl. to children, starting Juiy th. Private _____MPLOYMENT AGENCIES give a couple of good refereuces. Tell family. $6 a week. 21- hrs. driv-e from Puie's mie why you shouild have a real posiEVI .Agede Chicago. J. Kupferschrnid, 1011 Forvst tion. Address L. K. Jones, 2947 FautAve., Wlrnette.. 4LTNS--flp NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER wooAv.,Chicago, 111.__72LTN5S4tc Efficient Service for North Shore Homes B__ USINESS PERSONALý F1 OR M i TnQ Al1T1'"TIPLIES WE INVEýSTIGATE REFERENCES YOUNG MAN__ HIGH SCHOOL AG, IN,DIVmÏU.Aj7- CHILDREN'S 131 R-THto drive light delivery truck & work GOOD wAGE day, speciat, and beach parties planln store. Prefer one acquainte<j wtth ned and supervised by experienced Wilinette 2171 streets in Giencoe. Give. age, reference Davis 7777 «P--tab11shed 25 Tear.s teacher. Cali Miss Laing, W%ýinnetka 586 ' and state salary expected. Write A-36.Qurth & Linden 799 634 Elm Davis St. Wiiii. 1047 Box 60, Whnette, _________ 5LTN5..ti; Opp. "L", Term. 111. 72LTNS-lto Evanston. 71 T.TNS-tfr ~vu.<*#a'e Jw- 1536180flixedadavertuaenents M. eepted up to Tuesday 9 wll P.M.fo WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 P.1 . or WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 . ,P.I. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wlmette 4300, Winnietka 2000 (Winnetka 500 after P Greeneaf 43J00 or 8-heldrike 1216-1217. . ,Dl --- -- I iATIN Wflfl1xUUI*1 . ANIM i. OSPIT1AL. H SPectàcles E -X P E 11. ALL-ROUND CLEANING mnan hias onme day a week open for Peirmai injt hriuework. Can* also paint, etc., A-I North Shore references. Wilimete 208s.. 69LTN5-ltp Jtl1-ýABLE MA.N.NEEDS WORK. 'A-i nman in private homes, Inside and outside, (are of vars.. Refs. Par~t tiine or steady.. Winnetkà 415. 69LTN5-ltp EXP. MANY AND -IGH SCHOOL BOY w.vant housec lening of aIl kinds. Yard work. 7 years in Eviinston. Refs.- CaliDavi 834. .69LTN-ltp REGISTERI NOW!. Shore.-Line Enipi. Agency I.. Pui -. ece POSITIONS OPEN COMPETENT HELP Lindgren Empi. Agency !111. Quality YCIrfs. UNG steadY GIRL Part WTTI LA'CTE iSý tinie. work to help MANY POSITIOe r4 WS OP19N NUW WOiI (P., O. Lombard, 111. R.- 1)--Rih th housework andI care of children. coliplesi COOks, ___________ ist be able and willug at afly timp to aialds, houserniiî ýgeneral bswk., 3n4 LTN -tP 748 Elm St. as. Wlnnetka 3399 LjV 'loneer hours for extra paqv. WinMICYCLES_____ ka 1450. __ _ _ _ _71LTN5-itp 06 . ih ia n YV 68LTN28-tfc net] ~lT.WIOW AG 30TO40 FOR :-'uperlor 6608 14 W. Washingitoq BiCyCICS-LOW PRICES nys G7voneral housework. Cojnpiete liue of ail Sizes in Stock 2 adults. Centrail 9966, 8 ____ Help c. ully selected wlth ,àrefi lm bouse. Muet ro hae Liberal trade allowance on old bike oo(ddisposiéo7 -E speclat att entjôn to aei-I tlci n. Good home. $l?. Reconditloned bicycles - Second Haud Do ,nikn OPE H ] ence,1 refei A34, Wit Bx CO.cOOk ; butler, Bikes $ 10.00 up. Dependable Repairing. ~h?ýh? Wrie A34,Box60,Wilmette, tmg. No oral q laundry. FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY iualh 7? T5~tp wages. References 818 ELM STIRE] 1 1 vestigated. Gan-yr-Al'on Parm HoUse, Glen Ellyn pple toitet largeoowi;pair boutles, etc., etc. reen d.' & b. charge -- to e Pati a..nas. Rih loyers. Roferences iuder State supervision. NO.t,- D M Empi. Agency 'it Carlsoî, AGENCY Empi. A.Zercy PERTENCED SE C0_N_____RT 3-Up N. 1068 1dai