ju13' I. The conipany, orgaizedAnierican ~ eral ycars ago. s p ec i a izes in suubairealestate. and lias ests in, River ___________ mander of the Winnietka post of tbe Legion and past bighi priest of tbe Winnetka chapter of Royal Arcb Manadition to -------- - -, - - yd. 25c. .Shanlin PrI.nts lit the sheer slugq weave paft'ern i anaging t h e. raizoffice. is. maintainied. tion of the coniAboult twop years ago, thie Wýinnietka; panv. Mr. Gedge, office. which bas since become one of ! iiidoe i the Ieading real estate firms on, tbe efforts to tbe north shore, was opened. . general brokerTbe appointment of, Nr, Gedge as !age bus ines. He A.C.. eg manager brings to the organization an 1wi1libe. availabkt to give to bis clint experience(I nortb shore. realttr. He 1his wiîde eprec nd.kold of baàs Iwen activelyv engaged iii t1w.htisi- the territury.. Forest the 6rigina1 wh ere Mrs. T. Cusack, Jrèý. sls yd. 29c Apoure Maaasse a% heavier plain color faigc MXis 's Virginia Green. of 1600 Higli-; Ialid avenue, is recovering froni ani Atý a incetiilg of tbheIboard oi di- o(-peration for appendicitis at thle E%--. rectors oi thie *First ederal'SaViig> anston hIi~aI.' and I.oan Association of \Vi1,etwv. huld In its office Tuesday inigbit. a seini-aitual dvdn of 2 per cent. wva: declared. Tbis maintains the~ animual 4 per cent dividends wbicli The Way Iimey SbOuId es Rebulit tbe association lias paid on ïts shares "S mainst. ironi tbe tite it was cstablisbed twr' -Near Wilîett Avé. yea rs ago. _________ First Federal ,ýDirecçtors Decare. Usual Dividend RECOVERIN.G 1<. yd. 49c -~ Seersucker Two - Piece 'r t Oùutf i Spo Dandesu top end shorts with skirf fo match. Shoeu Rebuilt Also bandeau top with doacks. Wkhte- SIacks 14 to 20 '41- 25 RMM ROAST BREF ~ Calaiamw Fresb d ressed Young 'itewing fill7-0 rIbsl s..... .IIL161/20 Jaritzen Bra-Mio Swim Suit, skirtless model. ln al th. new-os shades. 1148 Wilmette Avenue-- Coli Wilm.t. 51