* / y s Our bats arc fla.tt.,risug, and inexpensive!1 Choose gay Bretons. sPorts biats. aind dressiet peach: baskets anid cartwh.eel model,ý. Second Floor .4 mi3là, DANBY $WUM. SUtTS Wieboldt's Newest, Srnartest Suit:!, Righi: Styled right and pric ed right. Que .and two piece sufts with balter necks an.d bra tops. All popularcolors. Sizes 34 to 42. ve For a gala holiday, you'ill want new and snappy looking shoes! Straps, sandals, ties, and pumps, in higlh. niedirrn or low hëees. 7.l ~ *0 SATIN LASTEX Thlere'il be no better looking sulit anywhere! You'I love the inaiiy soft colors, and the trim styling of these Lastex suits1 Si7'es UN 34 to 42. ON DAVIS JULY, 2, 1936