passed on Nevertbeîess. valu-, able kitowledge about the nature and, Haývng a private audience with a habits of these. minute germs is gainmiedical scientist distinguisbed for bis ecd by animal studies. research on the streptococcus -andJumpa LightIy head of a çchool thac is now expandj umping ligbtly from, streptococcus ing its building program to the tuile :filterable viruses, I now proceed to of six orsen millions dollars (w*tth, of WVilmette.. the onle Nho licked up the two oriHumaîx beings are infected nearly ginal Atudubon pritits ini a bncïk s>ho 1 I~,ntersting PaMraIel Drj difstreptococcus of forms by always Dr. David J. Davis, head of the -medidiscourse . in the East. Somnewhere ini cal college of the University of Illinois ferent fromn those affectin g animais, Davis drew ani interesting, parallël Pera'nal History during, the: past 12 years and a resident and rarely is. an animal infection between. the cycle of,"econornics and Last questions of..the patient 'Dr. sLÇiocK34IUO -this He, doesflot patc politics andl the cycle of diseases.. The :word he,flourished was "periodicity."-' Everything goes up and cornes down. ala grapb.' Influenza will flare up. die- dçwn, flare up, die down--and.iii due time repeat the up, and down inS naturels balanc 1e is ever cidence. mùaiutainàed," remarked.the dean. '«e caù't. alway s de-termine. the factors, but we caàn inote the effect." In appare nt paradoxical comment Dr., Davis pointed out that old disec.ases do disappear and new bines: take T a turn on the human stage. 'he forthe in hill down runs* periodicity mer case. He said the sweating sickniess of the l6th century is one that atcaly disappeared. Ttuber4ias culosis is runmniiig its course. also Dav is- concerned personal details. Hé was boril in Racine, Wis.; he ,.aid. He came t o Chicago in 1900. He likes, to play -golf., For.18,years h aîl summers, to Crystal basl)egig d. Mrs. Davis is a Canadian lake. of Qulakerancestry and is theýIpr.csident of the Wilmette Woman's 'chlb. "She's thé.o>ietointervieur." âninounced Dr,. Davis on my arrivai, buti sht disappeareil. and we resorted. tci the discourse on diseases. Perhaps if she ýhad joined the' con-. výersaàtion, we might have devôtecd iiore time to the Russian trip of theDavis',, a survey of Russiatin edicitiw and hospitalizatioi . The RussIaI)I wvork bard and are~ iriteli1gent anrd are doinig the best they cati to impro%- v and expand their inedical facilitie,Once Prevalernt * iproy. Dr. Davis says, but it's ant uphN1l job H-e tolil nie a lot of niew facts about in a counitry where doctors have beéni 1 leprosy. 1I bai always considered it fe%ý and lyoung niedical graduates are because ant oriental disease, chiefly sent into vast sections of the being of the mnany references to it in the countrv to use their inexperienctil Bible, 1 suppose, but he said it wvas juilguent. once prevalent ail over Europe. The British are doing fine wvorkiM disappeared f romn Scotland only 50 Therie is quite a colon-vy research, commented Dr.-Davis. and 1 easano -it takes its toil in the world and thiat about 10 years ago Los Angeles suf- fered from a rampage of the plague. -paralysis, United Air Lines Buys New Douglas Transports Puircha.ýse of fi-ve additional 21-pasNe-w diseases that perpiex mod em doctors are sleeping sickness, infantile. senger type tin-einined Douglas and meningitis. transports at a cost of $103,000 eacli. As Dr. Davis* touched on this and w-hich wilI give the company a flect that disease, he made it plain that of fifteen. of these 12-ton traîîsportvmankind is engaged in an intermina- for its New York- Chicago-Cali forliia Paterson, fines. route. %vasannounced today by M;. A. president of Unitedl Air - , * SCfI~t Dr. Davis in_ -fever, sore , are essential n rcking down streptococci. ndI as gone to Columbus&, Ohio, to be he ha-s, engendered an enthusiasmn in Barbara's -bouse guest over july4.