Soufh of DeeirfoId Road A Country Home LUNCHEONSI TEAS DINNERS BRIDGE PARTIES FrReservations Pleas. Cati DsefieId t159-w learnea mtis weekthat thela mous "Smorgasboôrd"will be featured, as well as dinners ofal kinds wtbl Swedish coo*king. 1The Swedish Castle was: formerly an old homestead- wîih spacious lawns, and bas been thoroughly nemodeled and nedcconated to ble -M keeping with. its new name. clu2b at thetheater Wilmette this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Cooper, a tongÉfeIIOW YACHT AS HOUSEDOAT Parainount wilI charter a yacbt 'to serve as living quarters for tbe "Spawn of tbe Nortb"e company during an eight weeks' stay on location in the Ketcbikan Archipelago,'Alaska.. FILM FMATURES GOVERNORS Governors James V. Allred of -Texas and Cly4e, Tingley, of Neçw Mexico became the first state chief executives ever to appear in a feature picture wben tbey played Ranger roles in "The Texas Rangers." WRITING HIS PART Completing his Lsbare of work in "Rhytbhm on tbe Range," Bob Burns, the bazooka blower, at present is busy drafting bis "stuif" for the script of, "The Big Broadcast of 1937.' 'w. TUE p*sEm~t T.uU.âw M'awn PABST LUNE mb e P*stau nou IsUm cswhich wil be shorn at the Vaersity theater fniday,' Saturday, and. Sunday. In the unusual setting of a Labrador outpost in wmidwinter, Montgomery,playing the.part, of an exiled young Englishman, is two stranded. a De eds., travelers, Miss Loy, and ber fiance; played by Rýeginald'Owen. Montgornery 15 s'O overcome by tbe sight of' the beautiful Myrna ýtha.t.-be acts in a J.a. Arthitr fortune of peculiar fàsbion, ,whiéh leads MnI. $20.,OOOOOOi to corne to, tbe conclusion that and, in tbe process'of distribuitingi t Owen is insane and lie tries to host as he ibinks will do the most good, tbeir cucapet goes to tbe city to protecthis Wealth. Left alone thus, Montgomery and There he is ridiculedl by the ýprCss,. .Myrna get theMselves engaged'until and particularly by jeanAnthur, as a Bob's' fiance walks in on-tbem ,anxd feature writer, who bolds him up tô tbe fireworks really begin. Ezcitiug Fia. the city's laughter in her stonies before she discovers that she, has falien One of tbe best ways to provà4e in loe witkh im ,North shore po- background for an exciting film is to pie who see "Mr. Deeds" will long anake the principal characters take a chucicle over one of the tnost hilari- trip. 'Florida Speeial," wbich will ous sequences, the courtroom scene. corne to the Varsity theater next 5fore Monday and Tuesday directly fromn Neyer bas AI Jolson been in better tbe Loop, bas its main scene of action voice than he is ini bis latest picture, abroad a crack train bound for the "The Singing Kid," the attraction at playgrouuds of the wealtby. the Wilrnette theater on Sunday, Aboard the train is a millionaire, Monday, Tuesday, arý Wednesday. taking witb him a fortune in gems. As looney and as exhilarating as WVith bim are bis niece and bis secreusual are the Yacht club boys who tary. On the, train, too, are certain Those adventure strrts on attraction Varsity's the like enjoywho will, and nas, untortunate eXperî= roge singer playwoman, two-tirning a witb ences Wednesday and Thursday of next ed by Claire Dodd. Lyle Talbot, week. Paramount's "Till We Meet RAVINIA F Beverly Roberts, and Sybil Jason are Again" is the tale of sweetbearts the other leading meutbers of the working for rival military intelligences,. cast. witbi Herbert .Marshall and Gertrude, .Michael in the leading roles. CHANCE TO ACT Gertrude Micbael's stand-ir ýas been given ber chance. W.C. Fields. starring in "Pooov." WAS AUTO PIONEER Phone BEN ERICKSONI W- waete40921