He said.: TOWNSHIP RELIEF CON'I)Lý nheloglaaton at SPringfield' which 'laid resopouslbitliefr rieif'6t. 'the needy at the door of tue vtrionstowuships, of the state puts, that rces ibislîty exactîy.where it belongs, a'nd has beb.aed erer sinée the depression, set in. . It .flot ooly mneans that the duty wîIl be p>erformed better ai lower voit, bt that many -persons who bav e ."Recovering hie mental poise, ho rolla bravely beep t on relieffolus. for monthe and years wiII 'no, on through dense but shlfting ty6gRcunitîl ho sees two Cars plled up and an lnjqred person at the lonpger1 be founid there. Tt provrides relief flot only roadoîde. Hls sympathy aroueed, he takes the for those actually ini need of. the necessiti.es of, Victlùilnu hie car and rushes to the hospital. tife, but as weill for the over-bu rdened taxpayer Enroule from the hospltaý> to his offie, an elderly woman franticafly wavos to get acrose the street, who bas been compelîedl to carry the Ioad whether he 8tops and èoürte6ùrjly signais to her to go or flot he wanted to. ahead white ho holds back oncnyninr traftc until she has roached gafety on the ot.her aide. One of the greatest "mistakes" of the Washing4.Here are the seveu personalîtles displayed by ton administration was assuming the burden of the average motorlst under varylng traffi c ondition, ijoy, wrath, fea?, cOhmtrnhier3t, Fap, relief -on à national scale. That th~e policy was mympaàthy and courtesy. Control of excessive foredôomed to failure was plain to anyone taking wrath and chlldishness, wlth an Increase ln mympathy for and courtesy to others wonid go fqýr the trouble to consider it. The impossibility of toward the amelloration of present day traffic preventing "chtteling" by. dishonest persons willhnzards. lendlnw te a materlal reductlon lu aecldente and fatalities."1 ing to accepj_ relief that they did flotneed, and the certainty of the cost of administration running . far in excess of a. reasonable figure, were assured. When it became clear to eVen the most unconPAY! scionabte spoits politician that the policy could Those who look with unconcern upon the flot be continued, it was tbrown into the laps of nlountifig debt of the federal oovernment because. the. various states, and by Illinois into those of the éStarUlngý from hie home ln the mornlng the mnotorist imay be iarofreo, gleeful and funl of-joy. Thon another car' out shrply In front of hlmi, narrowly aivertlng a crash-and là ho burnéd up 1 Fumilng with wrath, ho stolpà on tihe gaz and daihea headlong dowui the hlghway until, suddente conffrontod wlth a trallie Jam. Stepplng bard on the brako and swerving to-the ahoulder, hls. ear tottera to the edgeof e iodgteh. Baroly oeaplng disantor, trembling w9th tsar, ho again moves on.: Another car brushos hlé fonder; ln an Instant ho le, out on the. pavernont, wavilfg hie arme lIn chlldlgh argument. While sincerely grateful for the break in the heat wave over the weekmend, the place froin which the cooling breezes camne is ini our mind suspect. Mackenzie Basini, Canada- Whenever the weather man mentions Maçkenzié Basin we, shudder,. due to the fact that What we, got froni there last winter was 20 degrees below zero. .So often, -in fact, that we were, led to believe that no goodthingcould come out of Mackenzie Basin.: One thing demonstrated by..the. late Clevelaid, convention -is that the Townseniders know what, they: vant, and will fotbe satisfied ýuntil they get it. And they are net going to trail off after, strange or false -gods., Beiing a lover of dog s (in their- proper environnient), wc like to see themn enjoy What is their due, complete, freedom.ýso long as there is no interference with the rights and peace of others. What we cannot. understand is 'the psychological effect of dog ownership which induces owners to give their pets freedom t-o annioy and distress other people. With at least one dog~ in every other house in à neighborhood, permitted te bark as loud and long as they desire, with no apparent effort on the part of owners te end WHO PAYs? YOU ,. making application for relief under the new sygtem. This because they recognized that while they could foolthte relief agencies of the targer units, they coùld flot hope to foot their neighbors charged with the duty of relief administration.. Hence the rolts have been purged of many whose naines sboutd neyer have appeared there. Under.local administration, the estimated cost of relief ini New Trier township for one year bas been placed at $50,000, requiring a tax levy of one effectually dispose of the fallacy that any "soak the rich" measures will take care of mounting debts. When Mr. Roosevelt was inaugurated President, on March 4, 1933, the national debt was approxi-. *mately $21,000,000,000. 'At the close of the fiscal year on june 30 of this year, it was approximately $34,000,000,000, the government baving spent nine billion dollars during .the period, creating a make a dient in the taiç bill. ihat secms to are arouseci for invalids wnose rest is disturbca and sleeping hours changed. to slcepless hours.. Dog owners, have a heart 1 No one but you loves your dog so much as to imagine bis yelping to be sweet music. "Legless Beggar has $48.000; Will Test His Mind," a Chicago headline reads. Have~ we corne to a point where the possession of money is prima facie evidence of an unsound niind? honcst product of the cosumon peOPte.without frilîs or phantàsies, We havé been propagandized ilito betieving that twop présidents wel'e super- ecoeonuc by almost as mnin candidates and beat tbem ail. WIll bistory repeat in .1936? It looks tike it. uns. In IM~ Mc1Kinley was opposeci today. *o Nudist note: "Batbing suits reduced," reads a sign in aWitmette store.