Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 Jul 1936, p. 3

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Asharp cut in the 1936 tax levy iinder' that of recent previous years wvas made, Tuesday evening, by the board of education of New Trier Township Higli school, when it apýproved the proposai of John P.. Bailmnt of Wilmette, chairman ofte finance committee, to set the amnount $.40,000, nearly,,$80,000 Iess than ýthe Chicago where ,chldren 1are most exposed t'O the hazards of poor bous1935 figure. ing, inadequate, food and sitb-standThe 1935 taxes, whilch wilI go into ard living.,conditionis. collection, in about a monith, provide Rpot .ià6-Momt Poiod for $698,812 tobe raised for the bigh During the first sixnmonths of 11936 school. the Infant Welfare, society had, Il.The 1936 figure represents net only 3471 prospective mothers, infants and are benefited and the, health le Vel of a substantial cut .fromn 1935 buteven pre-school cbldren under its care. the whole family raised to a marked more.. f rom the, peak levy, at the The. Wilmette- Community Chest degree. height 'of the depre.ssion' in 11932, funds are. given, to the seciety The- cost to thé Infant Welfare when the board of education was through its. Wiimette center for the society is only $12 a year for each: fcrced.to ask for $768,207, more than. support of Alice H.* Wood station at chiidý whom it keeps in beath-an $150.000, in excess 'of the newfigure. 1964 North Hiaisted street. A report insignificant sum compared ,to theet the use which bas been made cost of allowing children to become duriugý the first hait ef this year of sick and then trying to effert a cure. The reduction was made possible, h igli scbool o7flktals explained, in making the announcement of the new levy, mainly tbrough iniproved collection of taxes, over 70 per cent of the 1934 taxes now being in. Thrce New Trier graduates have A iew years ago, when the board been awarded scholarships to Dartivas unable to sel» more than 50 per mouth college. is was announced recent of its tax anticipation warrants, As the date ýapproaches for the cently.. it %v'as necessary to levy to the limit first et the series of five symphony The tbree students are DeWitt iti order to keep the school open at concerts to be given by the Illinois ail. Evén. then. expenditures were Jones, 325 E Jchmond read, Kenil- mental hygiene supervisor, for ex-, pectant mothers, and chiidren up to six. yeaârs of age. The work, is carneeded to >be raised by taxation at riedý on in the -poorest districts. of An indication of the success of the Infant Welfare society in assuring bealtb ýto its chidren is contained, in, the infant, death rate. -At Alice H. Wood ýýstation during this sik- month period there were oniy two infant deaths,,or a deatb rate, of 2.7 er tliousand babies cared for compared te a death rate, for ail Chicago babies in 1935 of 40 per tbousand liVe. births. By the same' token it is safe to assume that thie children wbo.. survive "AIl or none" was the décision made by repreue ntatives oftheii agencies of the Wilmette Comniunity Chest at a meeting called by Harry C. Kinne, president of the Village Thursday of last week.. It was decided to recemmend. to thedirectors of, it Gomplete Plans For Series 'of Night Gonoerts Three N. T. Graduates Are Granted Awards year be based pn h innum requiremenits, of theagenc.ies and that unlcss;.,the, etfre_ amount is aubscribed al the fund lie returned to the 'donlors and the Chest. disbanded, each ofthenine, agencies erganizing separate ýcampa igns. for their nécessary support. S.gg.t E&*IyDrlv* It was also the opinion of ýthe representatives.,that the intensive cam-. should be scheduled early in pji1 tIili so as te corne ahead of the ichicago ÇeMMUP 'ity, fund campai., The dates suggested are September 28 to October 7. The enlistuient of 350 workers for the campaign lias been started. Éàtl, of the beneficiary agencies has been asked to enlist a quota of Men and women who agree to contact ten prospects during the tien-day campaign. There are aproximately 3,5M0 homes in Wibuette.. - _. - C-hest-that the campalgu this Campalgu.of1 Kuldzt Necessity of an educational programt among the citiiýens' acquainting them with- th e sci' ad welfare warrants was revealed however, that more than $3,000 is stili on deposit waiting te lie turned cwer to the holders of the. warrants. Rapid Growth The board declared that the levies shouid continue on the lower level with the improveinent in tax' collectiens, in spite of the rapid growth in enrolment, which lias gene up.about have been called in. It arrangements for this important free musical event. The concerts, five in number, are te be given on Wednesday evenings during August and the first week in September, the dates being August 5. 12, 19, and 26, and September 2. This being an affair in which Wilmette will be host te ail north shore villages, opportunity is ,.being given ,,!,isW t LAIu me cmpic n A o dent council, was. also state champion in the 200-yard low hurdie event. Cralg was prominent in debate and oratory, as well' as in publications, and was a member of the honor seciety. Campbell, co-.captain of football, was aise the winner ef the triship award for all-around leadership. All three were members of T.N.T., general activity honor greup. tracUI.am ana presiae iDV i oU tnlJI uI TI- stili of the opinion that Wilmette citizens wilI respond generously when they know the real necd and we are going te make a speciai 'effort te acquaint tbem with the human needs ef our neighbors." A special meeting of the board of directors of the Cbest will be held next month to con sider budget needs ef the agencies and make preliminary plans for the carnpaign. . ................ .................... airs, 50 ms~ anaIU ir g e Inusic in com ts mnay .t. for 't citien to a.Il[t WILMBTTB 4300 Ask frAd-Taker i -- 'and Cntrel li and 'twinnel and 440 M3

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