Au- sof presefit. daily to escort, ire tc charge, aIl visitors through the edifice. Mrs. jacques de. La. ChapçýJle of ber as, ber ofgUest, has Antoine Kenilworth V'entntorl aunt, Ifrs. L. Announcng the formai opening FRIDAY, AUGUST 7TH, HAT$ 657 Vernon Avenue .Glencoe, Illinois ,GOWNS The Golden Text was, "He that loveth not knoweth flot God; for .1 novice, but IJtU in na mmntunn John 4.8). is a 'fan."- Not only is the excite- God is love!' (1 Among the citations wbich comment of the gaine enthralhing, but the love of hard.ýfoeght tontests, inberent -prised the Lesson-Sermon was, the in, the 'average Am erican, iWmore followinig from.the Bible: "Hear,'.O thani satisfied. The skill. and daing Israel: The Lord iour Gôd is one of 'the players is morethan atcbed Lord: .And thou shaît love the Lord by the intelligence, speed and agility, thy Go d with ail tihine heart,: and of the ponies, which contribute so: with ail thy soul, and with ail thy much to the excellence, of the play. might., Ont horse raceafter another occurs Ye shah ll ot go after other, gods, as the, beautiful ponies. follow the of the gods oithe peophe w*hic h are n one -end of the arena, to round about you" (Deuteronomyü 6 :4,~ bail from the other, bringing the crowds to their, feet. Three houIrs or more of The' Lesson-Sermon also included rare sport is the reward for the short the folhoing- passages. from the journeyý to Lincolnwood. Christian Science textbookP ~Scienceand Health with1 Key to the ScriptTwo Pr.gwa~s WeekIy ures," lxy, Mary Baker Eddy-."Love, weekly, Two prograins are given is'the Father Wednesday and Saturday nights. the divine Principle',universe, includ-. the of Mother and -More iban 3,000 )enthuiasts attend 1 everlasting The man ing growing' weekly, and the nuniber is compressed. nor bounded nfot Am Coinfortable prograni. with each' limits of physical seats for 5,000 are provided in the within the narrow He be understood can nor humanity, grandstands, and free parking space concepts... moral through aright. gaines The for 5,000 cars is provided. is are scheduled for 8,:30 o'clock. Giant No form nor physical combination Ioe 'infinite represent to adequate floodli-'-ts mnake evéry play visible. (T. 25b). Six oi the 'Middle West's leading poloists will be seen in action Saturday night when an eleven goal Lin.Y and Hyde 1$ Cilaude M\ackey andi Dan will bc opposed by Capt. guson, Lieut. Steve Hm SBill Fergus, who will be le for Lincolnshire. Fergus, ,vith the national title wifleland teain, is the heaviest er in the midwest. HandiSfive goals, he wjil share zht wth Lient. Hammond.i freight elevator, the Lake ZurichSummer theatre played "The Factory Girl" ast Sunday night to a crowded hou se. Next Sunday's bill will beýaI rçvival of the classic mystéry-draia, IDr. Jekyl and Mr. Hlyde," under the direction of Mrs. John Driscoll. The, cast will include Carl Jiansei of NBC. Dorothy Boettiger, and 'u.hU" -,M~ sutumer home. to Appleton on ,rowe VVIS., of 10 RETURN PROM A8ItOAD oediatelv be thýe E. C. Hintzpeter of Kenilworth, and -d at ber Charles W. Allen of Wilmette, rereturned cently returned froin ýa six week' trp to England and the continent. -