VISITOR FROM TEXS Mrs. E. Nelson of McMillan, Texas, is a visitor with her busband, wbo The, playgrouinds -will, remain ope is,si)endiflg.the summer here, at 1025 every day except Sufnday from 9 a. m.ý Green leaf avenue,, and wthber to 5 .M. unitil school opens. Amonge son, Everett Nelson ýof Deerfield, and the new activities. that are to be .startied daughter, Mis Betty Nelson of Chithis week are: dranîatiés. lay mùodeling.beadtvôrk and volley hall. ,Thee wvil be a neighborhoo nigbt next'Tbhursday, VACATION ING August 20,. at the' ývillage green. Any Ilîif and ber Son, George Mrs. one. interested in doing a singing, danc- john, and daughter, May, of 924 Lining or turnibling .stunt please report to den avenue, are leavýing o. n Saturdav Miss Lamson at the village. green. The for Lake Genevawbere they wi~ll hrga bs been arranged follgwing spend two weeks. Mr. 11f. will joi at the, village green: bis family for wveek-ends. f03 piyiJACIL *r...tV.lmwleve Uve *Ee4 l Sand modeling; gaines $tory telllng and draniatlcs Horse shoe contes-t Singing and games Leuther eraft. Tumbling clas Softball Tiae*dayf4 9410 Te~nnis. Sand nodeting 1011 Bal] games 11-12 Ifanderaft 1-2 Handcraft and territory contest 2-3 Soccer hall and horseshoes 3-4 LeAather cratt and tumnbllng elass Wed nesday 9-10 Tennis and gamnes 10-11 Story telling anddrmie 11-12 lHandcraft 1-2 Horseshoe co-ntest 2-3Singing 1-4 Leather and tumibllng ua~ 4-5 Softba.ll games Thursloy !9-10 Tunibling 9-10 10-11 1-2 2-4 3-4 4-5, 10-11 11-12 1-2 4-3 3-4 4-5; Bai'l gaines Haidcraft faiïdcraft and territory fHorseshoe contest )Leather and tumbllng Bail gaines 'a4moel4nàg 440*Teannie and sand 10-11 Softball gaines 11-12 Handcraft 1-2 fHanderaft -3Territory and track 1-4 Leather and tumbllng' 4 -5 Bail gainesp Saturdayg 9-10 Singing gaines 10-11 BaIl gaies .11-12 Treasure. hunt 1-2 2-3 <lames 3-4 (ane.tunibling 4 -;-)Bal]gaines Handeraft I