Carl Burton Bruse Mette, and Marcus Jamhes Aureljus. of -. Evanston were married Saturday., August, 8, at a-. pretty %wedding. The nuptials tvere read ini the chapel. of the First' Metodit Piscopal ,church in Evanston, whicb , Was simply decorated %ith white, asters., The Re V. i din ViE..ofi ciated.,Vih fi Miss, Eppiersoi wore an exquislie, wedding gown of M.'hIîte net Over taffeta. It: va.s made* withle)on sleevesi, a higb, round neckline aud train. Her veil was of 'tulle and shie 'carried a bouquet of white roses and liles of the valley. She was àttended by ber two sisters, Louise and Marian. -Ttiey were gownÎed àUi1ke i redingotes of white marquisette over white taffeta. They wore wreaths of daisies and crn flowers in their hair Richard Braun of Denver, Colo, was best man and Marion De Pue of Denver and George Hays of Evanston ushered. A ornait reception was held after- For her marriage Tuesday afternoon to Carl Burton Bruse, MiESS jeslyn Raventos wore a. white lace princess style-dresS, %%-thl full siceves gathered, at, the ivristS. .Her inger tip length. tulle 'Veil 1f'el from a sniall cap of tulle and she. car-ried a, colonial l)ouquet of pompon asters and %rhiteroses and [er sister an.d only attendant, Nfrs, Williaml B. .Smith (Juantita Raventos), of: Fort Mitchell, -Ky., w%%.ore an aquamarine satin lafter-' '11011 frock. and carried a bouquet of pale p ink roseS, and, amaryllis Mies. William Truesda'lc of W'innctka served Mr. Brase as best man. . he wêddIig, which tok place in the living room of the home of thc bride's mother, Mrs. H. G. Roberts. in Chicago, was witnessed by relatives and a few close friends who remained for a small reception. Mrs. Roberts wore a periwinkkt blue crepe dress for ber daugbter's %weddingand a shoulder corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Bruse, who with and carried bouquets of the sanie flowers. Mr. J3ruse and her mother, had mo- formerly attended Ferry hall and the University of Colorado where she was affiliated with the Pi Beta Phi sorority. Mr. Aurelius is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aureius of Denver, who came to Evanston for the wedding. He was graduated frorn the University of Dentver and now is ih1 business iii Chicago. -Miss anston. 'Epperson anIkI cou.rt Ira caught to a ca, by Miiss Jeant Of Robert W£ bride andi br, September 1. A white j Fi trl, together with the face veil andi long >rincess veil of muile rdered with oretle buds, formnet the îvedding. costume wiorn gradIey Bra.shears of Wilmette zehen. she becaine thse bride of the sanie village Satwrday afternooii, iugst 1. Thi, 7room zu'ilI be at home ot 1119 Centrazl aue rafter uruis ' fln a. proics" ' '5 .' .L(s MY&Uta i~idgiFIsaitg c<IUI Phi Delta, Upsilon. 'Mr. Bruse a graduated from Purdue. After a. motor trip to niortherin W i s c o il sj n, to Sault Ste. Maric and down the Michigan side of the lake, the, young, couple will maki- the;r lfit iii wc5.btv4 5 5universOty anau a isimjivr UJ Pittsburgh, Pa. Kennoth Rc ng of'