in the gardlen of the Ravinia homnewhichý to attend. No admission w'ill:be' the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- 'chargea and there iwilj'be noththur. Adler of Chicago, are 'Occupey' ing. for sale. for the summer. TrheRev. Charles E. r.R et(adnr96nin Shulman of North- Shore Congregation Hill road, Winnetka, is general chairIsrael. ôfficiattd. The bride and bride - man of . the show.' She will be 'asgroom repeated'.their vows befor'e anr1sse ý r' arnSorae aorcovered with: istdbMs.WrenSoeae of* Glencoe, Mrs. Morton. Cahn of -~~fl difrnt shades. Sumnier fowers ai 50 etka, Mrs. George Sollitt of decorated the roomis in tbe Adier homue 1EasoMs Ewr cedn wherel the reception ivas'held, following hl fWletadohrgre hlofWletadohr'gd'i the ceremoiny. north shore. 1 loyers tesnpityfth l ' keeping nwith th simliéiy tý (jne along, sectionthe of the show. wviI1 bc wedding plans whiçh were made asi devoted entir.ely to exhibits of simple and informai as possible, the ý1vgtbe raised thi ssumme i n Uir brie iasunatened 'f~ 1JiLY 1 Wnnetka Connnunity gardens and member ini the wedding party was Rich- c mnt adn foiohrvl othervily spitrensfo ard Alschuler, the brother of the bride- jages. u groom.wetethrprmsstb.oe sest be s ois prmine The young couple are cruising to wece tional eeabe nds ,toalyfn Bermuda and South Amnerica on their wedding trip. They wilfl é away a play. The Winnetka Relief and Aid nionth and will flot decide where thv' society and Mrs. William P. Sidley wjll~~~~~~~ rtr.îek hiavtlaf'rte been superintending the Winwillliv fte thy unilrtur. ntkaCommunity gardens this year. Cash prizes wiIl be awarded in this, colin avenue, Winnetka. TJhe. '_jruvun center is sponsoring its gown, of white -satin, was period third annual Flower and Vegestyle ivith the rosepoint at the table show at Winnetka Coinneck. Over.the shimrnering satin hiunity House. Trhe ýhours are feul atulle veil held in place by o 01n h morning tQtg7 orange blassoms.y at, night, and thé public is invitedThe cereçnony *as. read at 8 oclock to particçipate in the exhibits and e-Best Beans (1 dozen). Caishprimes for this Section. sectioej I-For Members of Garden Ciubew-Arrangenient of, To be Judged by, popular, vote. Section, 111-For Non-garden'clubnemn*bersClas 1 - An arrangemçnt >of any floweËB. ciass 2-Arrangement of fruit. Ia3:-18pecimen blooins. * Must btë three of each. .LJ"DL .roIaIUtoeBV5 *) l VoCa Ion Mo.. OLD COLD We WIU Pay c6àh f«or C.Àvý D .PIACOC Enc;ounte u i &M JEWELERS SINCE 1837 iSTATE AND MONkOE* Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, 19251 Thornwood avenue,' and their two older children, Shirley Anu and Roger, have just returned f rom a sixteen-day mnotor trip through thé Black Huis, Yellowstone National Park and Roeky Meuntain National Park. On their way west they en-, countered a dust storm in the Dakotas and found that the only thing to do was to pull up to the side of the roadI and wait tilt1 the, worst of the stonni passed. JWînu Mr. and ' Essex roas 1enilworth, and th heu and Ralph,, ned after a few d. ., .Hawxhurst, SBALDWIN'S ANNUAL SALE 0F USED PIANOS Stoppiîig first at Glacier Park, she goes to Seattle to join the Trail Ridens, of the Wilderuess, who, when eighty miles out of Seattle, will pick up their horses and pac k mules ai d spend two weeks in the Olympics Uf proceed to Vancouver, Ernerald Lake, Lake Louise, and Banff, before netii.rtini,r *oinep lot a JiIUIILf wflV on atrip Nwvst. ,.~Pi.3 Washington. After ber pack trip, Miss Lee wil.1 go back to Seattle, then . Reentv Xi, -z , 1 1I1$1391 Pru,