niew Lt I. : Braun Bros. Entertain Employees, at ShawneeI Braun Brothers Oit. comnpany, with .Mr. and Ms Phiiip Braun and 'Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doepel acting, as hosts and bostesses, entertained. the thirtyý girls who are employed in their Highland -Park, Winnetka, Evanston, and Chicago offices at Shawnee Countrv club on Wednesday. The "géetacquatinted" party started at 5 30. ,with swimmningÉ in the club pool and Was foilowed by dinner. fiE ]KEY, y one of its avenue, returnied o11 Sunday fromWatch'Hili, R. I., where they vacationed for aîmonth. .Their son, joseph, Jr., came out f rom Ames, lowfi, to join them and they ail mo-, tored back to Wilmette together. joseph, Jr.. wilIj visit bis family for the rc,ýt oi the sumimer. oi, 522 Linden RETURN FROM RHODE ISLAND Mr. and Mrs. joseph A., V.'Turck Fa on a bâ ,peWMt caed 7merntprinciple alently TOMARRY IN SEPTEMBER Mr. and M.\rs. Bernard Meyer, 2155! Ridge avenue, Evanston, formerly of Witrnettc. announce the approachingI Inarriage oi their daughter-, Mary, to 1 Herinan Roif, son of Mrs. Herman, Rciff of Evanston. The wedding will takle place in the lattcr part of Sep- .Fstates, -. Wilmette, is spending thé mioni of August at the Ridgeview *hotel ini Evanston. There bas beeni quite a bit of informai entertainingi for MIrsz Knapp during ber stay. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Wiédlin 120 Park avenue, and their daughter, Mrs.. Thomas Grimes, of Niles, Michi., (the former Dorothy Wiedlin), Ieft Wil- Wlthout .chlnoey. Tlaat'a whg it can amure Mou or long .erioe > t lkW motl I o0rge. I~.