With- Fidiay: i$r'r'Y u o àcornes D& Dal"Ch c Adjofli c 3 35 5CrFriday Lrm j anad irc t u W lMt t e tr r o lu GlflVAnW L bu W esnt nd Saturday. u on Meicli stics p rpetlrte Tel. QIve w 41» by greedy gold seeker, i t ith ~alai ~UVRrMD> _____________________________story axat * is landsbism-ife.outraged setS Out, to die, who turils bandit anld o Of a peaceful farmer, r»obbed andý left, toaege bis wrongs.' ee Gdfthrs, Mwith Chester "Tbr6 r Moôrris, Lewis Stone, at fim at ethe h vey, wili be the f eature Sunday and imete theater this A deliglitful comic opera iiiesbic ritz. Kre*lers music turnises chamilg backýgrOUXnd. 1iS Tei dmnbia', picture. r 'Out.- Colu Stepsch w-1 io X ted by llYi theConn .Wal man Bing. and sdiithe cast. which vill be t the u d' mette', screefl on nx \Wedinesday, and Thursdax. otý tle The time of theearly Part i Aulosefi Èranz reign of Emnperor Grace 'Moore tria is the setting. %Nlth as a. masquerctadC as a princess wlho dres'suaker. have described the entire PASTLNEonday.ConcOr TuttE8 m mbFto * *W O a ,nes,' whicbi is showirlg at the Valencia is the jeater thi, Thursdày and Friday,for the tried tory of a youngmoherwhile ber: littie [urder of bier husbafld motherhii is ared for by a nialiciOus the real Events folilow events. until Aniies. Hope nurderer is discovered and prosethe and cbild Shappy with bier William Ltin attornley. Directed by incëludesMadeleiine cast the Seiter.ý Beulah Bondi. Zarroll, George Brent, ind Alan M0owbray. the building The fascinatiigs.hots.,of the picture ýf-a great: damn alone tmake Boulder Dam," produced the.hy1War.e aleflcia )w Brôthers, and presented at worth wbviieé. well SaturdaY, theater ýthis: there are a Starring Ross Alexander, Nwill selld nimrber of, thrîll sequences that $t(JIY 1 a chill up t 't pl1f, wilethe fellow turned bhat of a self ish young prîde in buildinto, a decent sort through ng for future generations. old story of, Delicate handlilig of the marriage glanîorous love and a secret and bii-s family of the soli of a wealthy with the rernotber's charnfg maid, incliàde sul'ting complications,. which butler. the by blackrnail and persecutiofl well-worth-while a combine to make ~ ~ ~ U _.ono JUrtrBaxter., t pastilt and SoiurIptt- thcttr thii Friday J alecfliLt tlater On day: and !tifte ,îext Tue'sday and If',Vdnesday, of JI ihFrances Dg haresBut ter,.%or' etley . wbich colles and 1-eln theateonria Wilmlette the Saturday oi next eek.i Halt Dhley. ~riu e George WINNING GOLFER p direct' _Archaitbad. - . q --- --l P et .rn wod tudio and a leading n saag ec a - KVthWrnr il, -ater. Anti Loring. roleý' tbe leading signed w hien a nxww lon-ter and Bruce Cabot StuDorado.El of Paramnoulit -NU Robin Hood Mnienit was sealed b-% u L nder diW and Claudette (:,,Ibert. a record of injiustices perpetrated cones thle termns ot this contractMssCOl- mexicans hy greedv gold-seekers. Tuie-Iay Paranloulit bert will appear in sevenl te, the Valencia thieater )n inext Mwithlilh comPleted productions to be and will 1and NWednlesýday. the ne-xt thirty rnonths, ixnontis. new picture every jour her -apstart a 1-tp uiÉust eiosbetween, -. 16 Is Set as Ptring a first M WV. C. e as ,r time on a soundstage. Fields. The fitn mai