Park 1080 1 . Iaiay. n..L.~ edln I *~~~ 4Sf .e Classifiedadvertlsements wyul b.e AveePveUuw"'epted up to Tuesday 9. P. M. for JW o *WILMETTE LIFS or al itre. papers; Wednesday9 pi M. for WINNETI<A *TALK and Thuraday 5 P. M. for GLEONCOE NEW13. Telephones: Wilmette 4800, Wininetka. 2000 Wnnetka'.500 .after 68 P. M.), Greenleaf 4300' or L, LOUTAND FOUNO'____ ToST - HHAVY GRAY BLANKET AT or near:wilmette Beach parking lot. Thurs., Aug. 6. Finder, please notifyMrs. 3T1-t Sergeant. Wlmette 2968. LOST: NORMA 4-COLOR S I L V Ë R pencil., on Center street, south of the ChJmnneys on north.Shore electric. Win3LtIN14-tp netka 462. LOST - LADY'S BL A CK SPRINCG 1 oat. Florenice Shop label, ln Wilmnette Theatrè. Phone Glencoe 43. 3LTN14-Itp Pauline's Etnpl.,Agencies NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER Efficient Service, for North Ohore Homes WB INVESTIGATE REFIEREN4CES Wilmette '211 .Davis Fourth & Linden Opp. 'IV' Term. 'COMPETENT HELP 834 Davis Evanston, flL co6LTN-ttc 777 SUM MER BEACHCAS (Sixth Seamon) Eght Weeks Enrollment EXPERIENCED HIELP' Reinhart Empi. Agency WB2SEI.LZ IN HIOR GRADE aji naUarlelti45No hep.p T.estlc do eér^ces ln-' to exnproyeri. Swimming, games, stories & excursions charg Ph. Winn. 1687 vestlgated. Under State supervision. MYRTLE I3ENGSTON (Grad. of National College of Bdjcation> 20fl-LTN1S-tfp Winetka 3390 748 Elm iqt. MUSICAL itnStRUMNTS 6SLTN28-tfe ASON AND HAMWANTI~D-USED Junm 22-Auist 14 lin grand piano for spot. cash. Mighti consider other make if price right. .Xdress A-94, Box 60, Wilmette, Ill. 401LTN1 3-3tc, Lucille's Bureau A. new Ref. th Cood condition. $20. Will move. Or under Si will store piano for occasional use. Cal 1137 Cen WANTED 17SED][ UPRIIHT PIANO. Home&. ette 106 '34 Packard super 8 club sedan.- 6 *Ire wheels, fender wells, metal tire covers. Built ln trunk, blac finish., FOR MAIDS ANI) COUPLES :Mecbanlcally perfect. L.ow mlleage. 0OOD WAGECS .36 LaSalle 4 door touring sedMan. igbt green finish' like >nov*. Broadclotb Establisihed 25 Tsars upholstery, 6, steel wheulsforultir Winn. 1047 St. trunk. A Cadillao au frol 71LTN53,tfé, '34: Cadillac Spis". sedan. Beautiful bru;. GIRL FORZ GENERAL HOIYSEWORK. finish. 6 wheels, trunk rack. BroadEXPERIENCED, SMÂLL HOUSE, cloth upholstery, loy mileage. CanSMALL FAMILY, PLAIN COOKINXG, $1,295 not be told trom new 3003. WILMETTE. HOME. COOD 5 pass. sedan. D&wk blix. ____________________71LTNI-ltp, '33 LaSalle. finish, broadciotli upholstery, 5 wheels. ,Mechanically peeet.07,96 BY NORTH SHOPLE '.31-Lagallé-town WANTED sedan, dark blue, 6 *Ir'e bank,' oxperienced Burrougsebookkeepe r. Give age, experience and salary. wheels, trunk, broadcloth'uphoîster-: Write -100,1Box 60, Wilmetç ing. A real buy at....... ... $350 II 71L14-ltp 34 Chevrolet 2 door ô pass. s»"» deluxe. Very low Énileage, 5 steel, wheels COMPEITENT WHITE HELP WANTMohair upholstery. Cannot be' told pprsnna. ln ret. Apply, with irood ed fromnov w ..... . ... ... $6..8 ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 251 Glence 661 Vernon Ave. 7ILTN14-tf-r il. Puick 6 p. soda.5 wheel equlpment, WMANTED: GJ'IRL FOR GENEBAL bine finish. Tires and mechantcai condition A-i. Prleed to eio.... .8196 bhousework. 2 in family. Own room. Phione Witmette 4936 for a4oitment. 10 Cadtllati >,sedan. 4i wB,.........SM2 71LTN1 -ltp 34 Oldmohile Deuxe "-4 paU. copu *Black finish. Wh9pcord upbolâtoW3'. WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEmileage., ]Bargaàrn at..15 work, good cook, laundry. Own 31 Low Cadillac V-I2 5 p. sedan room. $10. 1524 Elmwood Ave., Wil71LTNI4-ltp '31 Lincoln 5-7 se&. Deluxe..... mette 4089. WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSEWK., small famlly, good home. Winnetka. 2073 7l li Itp1 1810 RIDGEI AVE., EVANSTO!! Wlnnetka 1673t W H I T E Wilmette 956 WANTED: P k. 2 adults. 77A-LTN14-ltc girl for gew POSITIONS OPIEN Lindgren ýEmpi. Agency ... vu. - D-RLE'SSPECIALS.1 CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY PRICE~S SLASHED, lReferences. Pl evenlngs. NVilmette 2904. . 40TNI 4-itp E . '29 Oldsmobile sedan... M 82.50O 92.50 92.50 122-50 122.50 162.50. BOARDINGrets. Fifteen years of service to HIS MAJESTY, VOUR DOG Separate quarters for each dog. Special attention given to pupples and amail dogs. We Invite Inspection of our kennels. Dogs called for and dellvered. PLUÇCKING - CLIPP-TNC - B AT'HING BOAR IN ~Ing, ser ql1-tp~ E FOR GENERAL HQtJ$E- '29 Chrysler cabriolet....... jndry. Refs. Mrs. Shi-riffs. 71LTN14-Ite __ GENEI wholi Davis '29 Ford Town sed. Clean... '30 Chev. speclal sedan. WANTrED-MAIý.E i:W.N;TE ition in WIlilette servie YOUNG'MAN FOR IMN- '30 Bulck (Marquette) sedan '31 Olds spt. epe. R. seat..'32 Ford V-8 towfl sedan '34 Chevrolet rnast. sedan EXP., YungmforKmner Frerh 730 Hibbard Rd. Wil. 1312 psto Kenelsfeur, Yo nman' 1733., N .. R miles r moe work. A YOUNG '% 1 etperi'ence ietka 3250. 9VAOWc conditionm CNRYSLI 647 (afttri 721 Main St. ,A-L14-Itp I. NELSON Ne., -PLYMIOUTH Willuette .2600 77A-LTN14-lte