Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Aug 1936, p. 52

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private- bath. Three blocks te transportation. Phone Wlnnetka 415.. ROOmS FOR ONE OR TWO. WITH: uüse kitchen if deslred.. Close to busines district. CalLeveninga. 'Winnetka 3819.82L1ý4-ltp DOUBLE ROOM, i2 CLOSETS) AU single rmÙ., cross ventilation. Exclusive nelshborhood nea.r lake and.transporta82L4-ltp tion. Wlnnetka. 2144. EXC EPTIONALLY LARGE .STUDIO roin, private entrance, sultabie for couple or 2 gentlemen. Phone Wlnntka 82LÈN14-tp 1849. ATTRACTIVE PRONT' ROOM, FOR ent, twln beds, tin private horne. East side, near trans. ln quiet neighborhiood. 82LTN14-ltpý Reas. -Wlmtte 4469., ComtortaÏble sleeping mooms for 1 or 2. WINNETKA 1959 1092 SPRUCE ST. 82LTN13-4tp 2 ba:this, sun parlor. Nr. 'schools aLnd ail trans. 615 Park Drive, Keiworth 1ST FLOOR, 2 FLAT BLDG. 7 RMS.9 4 ROOM.&PARTME NT, CONVENIENT downtown location. Phone Wlmiette 2399 or.Wilmiette. 2427. 92LTN12-4tp For Rent 716 RIDGE AVE, WILMETTE 4 room flat heated, garage. Possession 92LTN14-ltp now, $35.0O. FOU *tENTr-FURN!SHED Arn. LIBRARY PLAZA 0F1"ERS: ,2 3-roûm apartments. Complete hotel service. Modern electrIc kitchens. in the heart of downtown Evanston. Orrlngton Ave. at Church' Street University, 8000. 5 ÉR01%1 APARTMENT, GAS STOVE, LIB1RARY.PLAZA TWO LIGW1T HOUSEKEEPING RMiS. Inquiré at flubbamd Woods .Jewelers. 84LTN14-ItlP OARD AMP fOOM breakfast nook, bot water -heat. $45 ROONs FOR RN-LOQT. HaKPe. month. 680 Vernon Ave., Glencoe 1260. 2LARGE FURN. ROOMS, IN-A-DOR led, heat, ga@tiLght,, hot & cold water. .le, ROONCS, NICELY FURNISHED. Xear trans. After 6 P. M. only. 1230 Write Mrs. Bruegger; 500 5th Street, Wtlmette Ave., Wilmette. 84LTN1 4-ltp Winimette, 93LTN14-ltp 111. WANTrED tO RENT-APARYMENTS COI'PLE 'WOULD IKE TO HAVE A garage fat in exchaiige for cane of awn or steadychauffeur's job. Phione !4LTN14-I.l * WiIit'te1725. beat, att. garage; sun room also. Oct. 1. $85.00.-HIi & Stofle, Winnetka, 97LTN14-ltç Wnnetka 1544. CHOICn MODERIN 10 ROOM HOME Tel. BRI-CK 4 -SUBLEASE-BEoAU-TIFUL on 1 Y acres in Indian Hill, Club kbath$, 2 beated bedni. bouse, 3% grounds. Offered at: a reduced rentai. ga 1r., oll'heat, 3 blocke to prhs& Cail us for an, app)ointment to inspeet. 97Tà*L23-ltp schooi. Glencoe 1158. 8 ROOM, 4 BEDRM. SiUBLEASE houme. 2 yrs lease, Oct. lot. expirationl, eear sohools & trans. $65. Phone Glefl97LtN14-ltp eolyeourt 17P0 coct 693.: .Winnetka 3603 4 7LTN14-Itc 7 ROOM COTTAGE; H. W. HEMAT; fireplace; garage. Near al schools. 8 ms, 3 b's., ohl, exci. loc......$1501 1623 Washlngton Ave., Wllmette. Wl125 97L14-ltp 7 rnis., 2 b's., oil, air cond......... mette 865. 110: 7 rnis., 2 ba's., oh, sip.lpcb. .. . ... SHORE NORTH FOR SEARS SEE, .85 g............ 7 rms., 2 b's., ohl, i c. Rentais. 7 rnis., 1 b., slp. pci.-, 2 c. g.'.......8 5288 Keniworth 70 6,rnisq., 1 b., 2 iichs., 2 c. g .......... 6 rmhs., 1 b., H. *W. H., 2 c. g..... .. 65 Other good values unfurn. or .furýn. B. H. B.-ARNýETT, FOR REN-FURNISHED HOMS Wnnetka 965 526 Center St. 97LT-%14-ltp 7 ms, 2 b's., oil, scr. pcb. tir. trans. $.85- SEPTEMBER TO JUTNE;, '%ERY ATAttractivýe 6 rn. franw, oil, beau. yd. 100 tractive -Engllsh etone anid brick, 7 rnis., 2 b's., oil, stove, refnlg...100 prtilly furnished. 5 be-droom:-i, 3 1, 7 rn. brk.; 31/2 bl., oil mrn uip. pehi 125 bats; ilbeat; 2,-c,,tr ;,fapled garatge. 8 rms., 2 b's., oil, nly. dec. E. Xii. 110 Beau. Efig. brk., 5 bdi-ms., . b~S., a. Giercoe 12 bkf. nik.,.2' c. aitt. gar., nr. tranq.. . 150 328 Park Ave., 0Gieoe !:LTNI 4-1te E. KENILWVORTH HOME, 4 M 4 4*Ige. WVinnetka 2'5 e'6 0 Centtr St. Ibedrmis., 2 bas., extra toilet, 11-e. ioveiy liv. nm., giazed htd. sun peb. Ou. 6.RooM BRICK; 21h BATHS, iH. W. FULLER & PICKARD h Winnetka, at'the Lake, M1cGUIRE & ORR, Inc.. HEINSEN REALTY CO. R. M. johnston t '& CLEAN HOMBLIKE ROOMS, GOOD me.aiu, very desiria h1 for peonle who want quiet home surroundinga. Reasonable. 315 Çumxnol' Rod. Kenlworth 5491. 86LTN3-tfc KENILWORTH INN year from Oct. 1. L)ffer attractive rentais. ston, 6 mi. franie .. .. .. .. . .$ e-6; nm. fraine .. .. .. .. .. ... $65 421 Richmnond Rd. -7rin. stuvv4).. .. .. .. .. . . 8 brick, 2 bai.ts . .. V5-6rin. -WANTEP Co. 2-car gar. Sp)aclous grounds. For one SEARS REAL, ESTATE TO UENT-rNOUSU Keniworth 5288 98LTN14-Itc *EVANSTON, WILMETTE ,K E1NILwonth, Winnetka, Glencoe, H-ighiand Park and Barrington homnes and home- Jc'cupancy HAVE A FINE SELECTION 0 F ATtractive, sultable homes to lease at reasonable rates. Furnished or unfurnlshed. Appiy to one of three local North Shore offices: HAUGAN & COMNPANY List your North Shore Property wlth Sears. Rentais - Vacants, Sales - THE BIILLS RE-ALTY. Imc. on i i acre , -i var.., -:--. perniih. 8ý123-.00 :LLI'..Rentai oil i, lit. Lean., Avallablu now. tn Shore for SepLIgt' 1 possession. ber P,wlth our three loral 120 S. La Salle Street, Rooni 53'40 66(1i Vernon Avenue, Giencoe 14674 9 IA-LT'IN14-1tp IG(-HLAN-\D PARKi-5- S. Sr. JOHNS 421 Richmond Rd. SEARS REAL ESTATE Kenilworth 5288 91IA-LTN14,ltc Witnn 1855 521) Davis St., Evanston IVil. 3740 Gre. 1166 WIN] 9 7LTlN14-i te Wlý7nnetka ' EVAN NEV ER. BEFORE LISTED! Greenleat Owners taking a trip-and are off( for rent tbeir East Kenilworth1 homeë MAIN OFP on 75 ft. lot, There are 5 Ige. airy bed81 Y! ris.. 3 bas., a htd. and- an open tSel% RK-5 S S.JOHNS 1Park 1855 %-790ELM ST. Briargate 18655 -522 DAVIS ST. Holiycourt 1855 34 S. LA SALLEST. 1 Wr UGen C1 AGENTS ýWilmette 500 IVit2 92LTN144tc & Cn rest Co. 5540 an,,-poÈ Inspu'De il ette 281 L, 504 oer ist. r.Phone. ,TN14-ltc

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