Fumais. Pt. m usn in the State of Illinois during the Wednesday evenin, C. E. Clifiton, Jr., sécretary, arc as- year 1936, up to.july 27, freey'irus was series at Wiimettes at 8:30»o'clock, 19.concerts Augustof sisting lu the direction of prépara- furnished by the state heaith departmient waterworks esplanade at the foot Of for 1,903 persons. To, this group m.ust Lake avenue. Aul Vabllmes vae be' added 'those who hbave purcbased IOnce1 more the baton, wiil li in- the The Chamber of Commnerce, as* their'virus outright. capable hands of guest conhdtor IzIer. sponsor of Wihnette Day, exteuds a The question then arises.as to what. Solomon who received an ovation on the , LANEN cordial invitation to ail citizens of the shall k done to check the, outbreak. occasiono teopenîng: concert. of the S. p aerW n vilage to jolu in its, pleasures and Since the advent of the state department series onAugust 5. av., Tim. r pastitues, meet folks you know. but order that -ail dogs be ke pt inside or on Anasume. Progwalla seldom sec, and extend the giad hand a leash, regardless of whether -or mot Mr. Solomion and Wednesday, iNext of welcorne to former residents who they are muzzled, it bas been a. source! highly sevcnty-flve of organization his have embracçd the occasion for an- of pleasure to see alimst, perfect, cothe offer will artists svmiphonic skilled bornüe old the to visit other periodicai operation of the public. Very few dogs .following well balanced program: town. 1m33 WUOSAv.. Wammte are seen at large on our streets ai pres- 1--Overture to OEuuryanthe." by Weber, eut, and it is probably. true that most of 2-Tschalkowsky' Fourth 53miPhony. Dr. and *MJrs., Donald M. Gale, tbese now at large 3-Blzet!à uCarmen, #Suite, Nô. are strays. 4-'Tý*haetéon," a symphonie poem by 1115' Elmwood avenue, left last week to,,con-. citizens ail keg earnestly We *Saint-Saëns. PatronizeOur Adçertisersl o9n, a ten-day tnrp to Toronto. tinue in their flue spirit of coo peration, 5-EJight Rumalan Danoes by Liadorw. until such a timne as it becomies possible Location Called 1"ma andSumday IWe. are Fanous1 to recind the oQI*r,, i full reýliztion The esplanade atop the. waterw>rI-s of the difficulty and inconvenience to building, surrounded by. trees and lookdog owners. Mlso, if you are having ing out over the gently .sloping sand QuwY hrMFShCs difficulty with rats, it is well to pay tol beach and blue waters of Lakce Michigan. exterminate them as quickly as possible, provides an ideai spot for this series of since rats, squirrels, cats. and other ami- open air concerts. In addition to the mais cati transmit the disea se. large seating capacity iiow provided for WVUit, prVeUsien i a %i8 mui, m ESTHER'; Solirdoy -M;; 35 taken care of on the beach and the McGuire Warns Public ýis surrounding park areas. wbere thc music Police Will Enf orce~is carried by an extensive sound ampli on the esplanade, overfiow attenclance ¶ IVLL mat ~uovernor iienr11y 'ilorner té, be proclamation requiring dogs kèpt securely confincd upon the premises of owners, except wben on efored.her. Pe'i e whl lcas, mani. Walter C. 1Farrar is acting as comtnittec on arangechairman of the ments. Included among the organizations joining in the sponsorship of the federal concerts are the Wilmette Home dent Kinne's notice to citizens con- Owners Association, the Chamber of Commerce, the Civic League and Wiicludes with this paragraph: "Therefore, 1, Harry C. Kinne, mette Post No. 46 of the American WUPER-SAFETY WRIt4GER President of the Village of , Mil î..gion mette, Illinois, do hereby issue this 'Members of the. Legion and the regproclamation deciaring that so long. ular staff of police under Chief Cloyd -- é-L- ---- h1 .1131 Centrtal Avenue ir 1no PooWhet notle Wilmette 81 ýsts for se Bruce Jg iot!A M neapolis.R ,, Beuty, INote: Feonomny Club Shop of is Wllmette. conducted by the Woman's