DrIv.vaY MaIteoeia Gardn, Rock&, Flagtoe PI.ybot samd, Làwn Lme RImuIders' ServicePhone Winnetka :FiýRSt MOITGAGU LOANS NO COMMISSION 41/A@OWINTEREST RosiadSt8w po, r.itrictea S or 10 year tors.. 5.uni-amauai ntt.rest paymnts. INC. 1 N. La Salle St-. Chicago Central 0227 1571 Sherman Ave-. Evanston TUivrsity 2600 Read the W antAds for' bn '34 Lindide» otenue, Wilowite. T/we.rchite'd residence, Thte Above ils a rend rim.g -of a reside;t1ce nouf, eârigcéompltet Hall. G. Frank is Chicago, asndf the owner the budldinki is Willard Walker, 556 Lake Shore drive, first floor arc o! of thte Regency period. Basemnent and has uses ho London ite by inspired is il roomns and explained, Mr. Walker brick. and t/te roof is of slate. The building A1 tw~o-car rein!orced concrete, exterior walls are white painted walls. elet tric kitchen. wi4th mnetal cases and vitrolite ,iIve baths, u4ll be air conditioned, and hos a comtplete John O. Colby and Sons is the decorator. of garage is attachedbto te residence. Frank Sheridan Mrs. Leland V. Pierson CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS Service The* United States Civil open comannounced comsinhas lS as, rninatiOf£ininations as: e. T PersooUfrmWS:.Nirs. Leiana v. Marzaret Scheidenhelm) is liow associ- & Tyson Quinlan J oins rl l. (fr Prn 1AV T*. <7 jof tme ite r a.u% of j. the ,)ci board cienneim8, r of i thc chairman varionsnerly year. a $2,600 to $1,440. grades, State Bank and Trust company, bas Principal traveling inspector, $1j ail hier life. For 13ý 600 a year, Bureau of Marine Inspec- lived in Wihnette cler.k of New Trier tion and 'Navigation, Departmneft of years she hias been the past three years' for and township Commerce. she hias been associated with another 1 obtained be may Full information Real IEstate office. Mrs. 1 f rom M. E. Von Glahn, secretary of North Shore specialize in the sale and the U. S. Civil Service Board of Ex- Pierson will in Wilmette and the aminers, at the Wilmette post office.! rentai of homes suburbs nrh t 'AAl i c lithographers, i s tfjV A r tw i. 1, LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. .Phone Libodtyviflo378 C Evanston, Wilmette aind REAL Winnetka Offices* Iseo BI~ DAVI1s Z: