The construction, of the bridge over the drainage canal was completed frtand now the contractors have completed the paving. south of it as far as :Simpson Street. The bridge is higher than thé Street level andý ite was. necessary to build' up, thé road approaches from both sides. Work on the pavement between Sinpson Street and >Asbury avenue isbeing continited. Although completion of the new $134,000 viaduct for the Chicagoand North Western tracks. (Mayfair division) 'across West; Railroad avenue, near the .,present vduct north of, Fostei 9tree t,.bas. beent delayed, the strip between Asbury avenue and Emerson street, terminat ion of the state project, will be given a temporary pavement.. street in this block, tearing down the fronts of buildings on the right ofway. When permanent pavement is laid at a later date the new street level will be graded down until it is four fret below the preseut level, in order to connect with the projected Einerson' street subway. Meanwhile, work is progressing on Minneapolis. At the samel time pretty Miss Rubyr Williams,, recent popularity winner on the Chicago and North Western, made the first southbound trip f ront Mineapolis and St. Paul, to Chicago. Miss ýLee ýHobbs, -third of: the triumvirate of stewardesses in service on these famous trains, made ber ritp into the Twin Cities frôm Chicago on Tuesday. Miss 'Hobbs was also high aniong the leaders i4n, the recent .beauty contest 'on thé North Western wihich was held toý select the "Quen"ie of the road. " A".. Miss Williams also serves as :stew-, ardess on the "Flambeau," fast afternoon train running between Chicago and 'the north woods of Wisconsin, The state lu nôw 'wfdeldug the new r stewardesses a reý of French bhze ts of "over-seas" -is set off with a nt red tif#r-Tend can me opened ror Irramc wnuhin uiree days. This iiiill permit Sheridan road traffic to travel on the newly paved section while the remainder of South boulevard is being paved. Thei entire street will be open to traffic within two weeks, it .was reported by Mr.' Cleveland. 0f the 25 miles of streets in E~vanston to be paved, under the PWA, 20 New Trier ToicisltiP Tax ColIector Sauborn Hale, uho begatn collecting the 1935 taxes oit Aagiust 4. liad collected more than $397,00, in both real estate and personal up tte. close of businest Tuesday, at which time he said he hope.! to be able10 ,smake papotefnt to souteoftelcltxn c lelcltxn bodies yet this week. .taxes. be to assist mothers traveling wîth babies, passengers desiring to nwke conniections and lend aid in many other wmys to travelens both in the coaches and in the panlon cars* on this train" the week for Manitow will-visit for -several wel ana N in both .ch Twin,