*The first exhibit arranged by the association, a year ago, brought together one of. the finest displays of this popular flower ever, witnessed in the Chicag area. These showsar *held inth large gyminasium at ýConimunity Hiouse, which "permhits a most unusual and attractive arrangement of' these blossoms. Th sscaion spard neither time nior expense in thé mhatter of equipping the show rooinifür thé exhibit, and President Walter Lieback, head gardener on the' H. Earl Hoover estate,,1801 Green Bay road, Gl1encoe, anniounced this week that many new features are being provided for the coming show. The judges for the arrangement lasses wlll be Mis. John Gary, 3013 1encoe; Mrs. Howard Sheridan road, Gl C. Phillips, 985 Hill road, Winnetka, and Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman, 515 Essex road, Kenilworth. Judges for spécimen bloom classes will be chosen from among well known commercial dahlia. growers of the north shore. There .will be no charge for entering arrangements, and the public is Wasnourn, 343 Green Bay road,. Gienco 1e' 4. William J..Oman,,391 Adam's avenu el Glencoe. 5, George r. Mulleb, 401 W>todiawn avenue, Glenee 6. Erskine Wilder. 1011 Hubbard lane, Hubbard Woods. 7. Marcus D. Richards, 1240 Tower road. Hubbard Woods. 8i Edmund B. Bartiett, 710 Walden road, Wlnnetka. 9. Lorin Massey, 701 Sheridan road, Winnetka. 10.. Benjamin Wham, 1102 Epruce street, Winnetka. Il. William J. Carey, 883 Oak street, Wi%netka. 12. Williamn Rogman, 426 Linden, street. Winnetka. 13. Vacant. -14. Dudley K. French. 503 Hawthorne laile, Wininetka. 15. Vacant. 16. John 1. Shaw,Wode road, Winnetka. 17. Robert L. Osgood, 2109 Chestnuit avenue, Wilimette.. 18.. Michael. J. Sporrer,,2210 Kenilworth avenue, Wilmette. A9. George H. Rigier, 706 Cummings avenue, Kenil wort h. 20. AllaziT. Gilbert, 240 -Leicester road4, Kenilwôrth. 21. Fred S. Rye, 1714 Forest avenue, Wilmette. -ci m.-spoc ial BRICK: Saturêy aMd S"F Butter Pom, t PKM Bak Walu t9 JVek-nd IHoida RSHES SETTER Tek ~. Soc Ly@us . 07 3 39 22. Harrv Cl1ark einne. 1324 EUlw.. 50c Colbx 1001,3 10 Pl m W A. Ei 7cikfeue....W39 60C Alik* $efmwe .49C 5oc WMans s ,la e... K W z, n y 31. e. de $1.10 association, or by writing to L. E. Bird, secretary of the association, 1918 Lake avenue, Wilmette, or Commnunity House, Winnetka. at Me- n.*p .. -- $1.25Cr.mEsther 94c 50c HiOd's Special Train to Carry Veterans to Encampment 'Veterans of Forepozn Waec ofth The body of MrAcIki on Monday morning by son, caretaker at -the home, 900 Private roi Woods. Loin.. 39c The. vnn.ner 1 rold1 , Hul Bocaboui Soap 1 IP4 Lar -50 Sc Tabets Br'; . 43c 200 tablets. on... allau ago her