FLAVO R Sekt.d Grade 'A and 1*Costs No Morel Treet,your family to, this supe-, rior rnlk. ýEvery quart of Mellody Farms milk is fuit '.f rIcb fiavor., Infinite cars i setection and bottling' is ýyourassurance. Try a glass of this grade 7A" milk and you'Il teste the difference For children. for aduits. Mellody Farms milk, is +4e North Sbore's bestl ThsMILK Has Phone a Trial Orde Today 2rîdeRvei Y.Dickinson me-Superintendent Earl C. .Carlt(iiaia)Mendelssohn l".ofited,j Solo-O Rest in the Lord Day for the Sundraý Reopening nounces s [opp j Herp ~J ha," will be September 13 at the iislai ?ostlde-'11 hour. Notices will be sent In regard t4-, cfWidor. 'Zvnîphony 3 Reo-_pening Day. ake and Wilmette avenues I Victoria MeLeod-Mlnistry ofMusic 1 fenoSpme OnFi0 niinister. Amos Thornburg. Rev. The soietywlllmeetcii The omans the Woman's &.ociet3i hoids its A ul na -rahrfrnx Our guest Thurseday -afternoon jof this week at the peacer or extSundayChristinae Party"' for our mLîisioniary, ill'be Dr. WilMrs. William monnSpebr6 « o'cloék. church at He has been Mis Emma flrodbeck, :of West China. Schermerhorn. D. liamt r.WilStants kill present the tpc liamn Melbye "wIlI have the Quiz andI teacher of our Men's class :for the past As usual it will be.held in the gar.ien Mrs. Jaehne and birs. Frimànd wîll 'be ten years, and is well Içnown by the en, of 'the parsonage, weather permitting. tire conigregation. We shall be happy to MNrs. H. A. Orvis wil havecharge. The *thie hostesss ,him next Sunday morning at the igifts to he sent, to Miss Brodbéek in-Igreet Dr. Schermerhorn's! tiîne for her ('hristmnas plans ýar- iniThe subjeet of the pictures on '-The Iil o'clock houte. ilb"or-Besng______ ieof Christ" to be shown during theseontee r1 Church' school hour next 'Sunday miorn- or a Curse." iis"The Living Chriqt." We invite The music for the Il o'clock worship 1-Yu o view these plctures. Rev. John G. Hindley_, ninster, next Sunday morning ,Will be as -service "Work, a Blessing, or a Curse?" wulI Sundav The guest preaulh,.inext :50) J.Smu:r ~Organ * Anonig moningwil be wllbeWeseyJ.Smuerof esle "Ave (10 Maria"..........Bossi1 be Dr. Allison's- sermon theme for Labcjr Mrie rie Sunday at the, Il o'clock church service. -ýýtê , hicgo heoogiel Ltheaii Sèninary yu' %v:e'rhil)This W invte wiil be the iast Union Service .%-.th. Solot ou i, vorhipOffertor3* Seninar. W inite id onG uc.Rv the Baptist "But, the Lord Is M.%indful of> Wlth US. His Own" (Elijah) .... Mendels-ohn ley, upen. his return from a. proifitalile edusTheLuterleauewih met vacation, will agalin occupy the puil't Th Lthr eaueý*1Imet.ed1t.1-Florence Farrar Sunday, .September 13. day* evening, Sepýtember 4. "at ;:30 Organ Postlude, The mîusic for next Sunday morning's-ý o'clock. Miss Anita Lindberg will pré- i "ccat".........Dubois serie Nwlll be as follows: sent the toptc.e. ........ Wio W'oman's Mil societY leTmeeting Prelude.-Adagio -~The today <Thursday, September 3) at 1:30 Solo,-"Come To -%e" M Ve invite you to worship with us. eethcoven-Aslandc!ff ..... o'clock at the church. Ail wcmen are........ Offertoire Solo-"He Glveth His Bc-lov'_d invited toated j Metlodist Charch f uogregatïo'nal Frs tS& St. John-'s, Lutheran and Park avenues ,Wilmette J. H. Gockel, pastor a: .ni.-First setrvkce. il .m--ecndservice., *ME1t~The 'hir d;4 -it . ep'Ab The, nîinister will return to the îp'lpit . Sunday, Septemiber 13. Ethel *Wishover-soloist, Rou.-,soau Postlude Recessional ..... ERVICESEmily an First Presbiyterian il Ni.nth sQtreet at Greenleaf avenue Jamies T, Venleklasen, ininister 9 Nr.and '%Vare depatments September 13. ara icipating a ver-y busy year,- with teac-hers and pupils approaching th, coiiiiencemient. with a vigorous appastor will be back in lus pulpit 1proc-kh. Registration, Day-Septeniher er)t-iOflizawtion DaTio will rreah the sermon at the ,nnrn- 113 Iou Roberts--Organist direecr Cburch school wiil resuine iii ail also th, 930a.în.. at 4:0pI.n,: Aid Aidies* f-11uwing ýSaturdaynýxt Thur>sda>-, 2 Mndyetening The Sesszion of the chut-eh will i<v at S o'clock at the H. C. Graiffe Passes Away Folwn Br fIlns Henrv C. Graffe. 1315 Greenwood 1e of the vilresîdeîit iven1ueW The rder .ýf î.i t il i'k il.The WqwaxVssocetwill resunie ts etingýz on Tute.day. September S. Sevvi inlude the foloin ing at 1(1o oc will be in charge of Prelude Andante Caîitaiic Bach Spoku Ng-t. , and the luncheon will be At the afterstorvte( by Spoke No. il. Offertory Gilmajýnt floon meeting Mrs. J. T. eneklasen wil So'ng have the deé%otional, and Mrs. David Hall The Sermon wvill preent the topie, '"Afi-ica.' Mrs. Mno .- i t Christian ~~Jîshua 24 :15 Chartis Moody will sing a negro 5spiritHoni&' a 'of JCradie the firmn of Graffe and Stanekc Chfcago, prominent jewelry, manufacturers. passed awav. after a brief 1Ilne-ss last. Fridav. Fnrlsrie eecnutdo islt eiec Dr..- George D. Allisoni. nastor of a tage for the past 2,; years. and miember ilmette. a Posilude tial. -JOl the Marc wofnen are invited Elgr t" beàTcdvatri>t jtsfý atthisfil-t meting Lý 'Visitors in the cornunitv are et-rti;;il.y icoln Ave, b aOsite Son bore Stai 104 meeting of the Wi1mette village counlCil. Iast Tuesda% evening. Thc actiol, The regular meetings of the socîcty was taken at'tle request of neighbor,will begin oýn Friday, epteinber î1, inlg residents. in~tedte heserice . Surda o the *gb'ne l .t', ur I1a1 dsf..as a vÏllage oump, Sunayof heprofitable ;ujmjrjjion ja authorized to. be .presented. to t h atioîte. .. services. His Labor Sunday theme %viKlawrt b>e. -Work, a esnor a teKiilotiailoiil.a h "