com ot -ois ).J.ones. Tne uay of trolic A. riasenau -John Crane and Thoimpp A. White and Walter * * Although Wilmette' s firemen joincd members of the Glenview force, Thesday of list we'ek, i battIinig flames which 'consunmed the barn at the intersection of Lake avenue and \Vaguer road, ini the latter village, the structure, which was struck by l ightning during a storm, wvas reported to be a total Ioss. Other calîs answered by the \Vilmette firemen during the past week tnicluded three others on Tuesday afternoon of Iast week. The first was for an automnobile fire at 201 Rittge Firemen Battie i Vain to Save Barn: Mr. avnu rernl Uhadf119Em aash wod veu 1rcety bd s ,ter hoseges ortn Dnner at 7:30 ay Dinner will be served, at 7:30 and nephew, Jack Westerman. of Men_ reçservations. are to be made promptly dota, Ill., who returned to his home on Friday of last week. Ia. m.-corritemiplates ail maniner of athletics that will- insure participation ni the various events, by ail those In attendafice. The ist of activities inýl udes golf, (Ralph Bo6ozer defe ndiuig his .championshipý baseIbail, horsesheseggthrwing, nail-driving, shoe races, balloon-biowing, cracker-eating, and various others coiitests designated as very 'myýsterious." -to begin at 1.p. m, and terniinate at Courseq in av iL atcJnpgrapny, eiiotypyt Sports andPsin -william T. Grimm, WIllard X. Scho-eneeýk, and Clyde Hforseshoes-JN. L. NYgaard and ýBo.b To'iéetç. -Mrs. WilliaM Tatylor, andi Mrs. Caroine Ellsworth. Attendanc&'erb .Taylor, John H. -Lawson, and 'Warren Hathawa. li.adMs alUlo 69Ei, tometry, Secretarial Trangtc Duya'od Eveoilug okke plng,, Accounting, CompI 11 r iAYounlg ~oig 11 Sema ve. Uni. -M0 WILLIAM H. CALLOW, Principal v stn s s oRad retarlal positions women salaries. StenoDgraiphie and Sec- good offer work, and ôpportùnl-*. ties for advanemrent pl e a a a ni t NEW STORE HOURS NOW EFFECTIVE Tuesdayg T1insdoy and SoturdoyOther Week Doys 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. 9ÀA. M. to 6 P. M. nue. All three were extinguishied before the fires had done much damnage. Oil Thursday of last week there w'as a cali to the Kenilworth Sanitariumi, 2228 Beechwood avenue, Wilniiette, where there was a blaze 'caused by cros.sed. electric wiring. The follow-, ifig day tlhere was a con flagration in a defective fire place at 109 Fourth .street, and on Saturday there wvas a cali to 430 Eighth street, whiere firemen unilocked a door for a resident. Michigan. their guest their son-iE. T. Gieser o'f north _rnj HENRYC. LYTO1N &SONS Orrlegtou anad CIsurcIa EVANSTON.