l the Warm.,'DrY A Ranch Sch oui Cismate of Southeru Aina raster prepare forty-five boys for cutrance toecastern colieges. Modern O lifirmary. Resident nurse. Outdoor auemb 4 owns a horse. Camiping, rnkding, rack er'y pr.pram. roereational Strong aeademic training. individual attention. SmalI classes. Eight Trips, Polo, XRade Shooting, Tennis. Deep Sea Fishing, Trips to Old Meximo Physical examination required. Boys wlth sinusitis benefited by this climate. CAPTMriNRussELL B. "FAwtçmzvE, Dwector GaomGc, A. Haavnt, Ieadmaster (Formerly DeaYý of Boys, New Trier) Personal Interview Hotel New Yorker-New York-Septcniber 14th. 1 I Congress Hotl--Chicago--September 7th. Losi yearfose>Is C. Schmmacher, bandmaster at, New Trier High sfchooi, caught a larg-Muky -t "Wis.,. "Keith's Clif>' in Haselhurst, that brought mnention in these' coltêrnus, but this year at the sanie Plac~e, lie registered zwith a 35 pospid Musky, 41 inches long, and imany Pike, and bass, wi4th 8-poid pike 'and 5-poud bass for the toppers. When hi' returns to Neuw Trier thù. month, hi' will have a feu, fish tales as uell as a finee vacation to recouint. a aiýl tmat candidates will be field under the auspices of the Civil Service'commission on Sat-. urday, October 17. He bas arranged with the commission for the examination to be hel d in every town in the 1th Congressional district wbere the Board of United States Civil Service Examiners maiintain a.local, secretary as follows: Antiôch, Barrington, Ch icago, Evanston, Glencoe.., GrayslIake, Highwood, Kenilworth, Làke Forest,ý Libertyvillie, North Chicago, Waukegan, Wilmette,ý Winnetka, and. Zion., Canididates must bie actual residents of the, Ith district, between the -ages of-17 a»4_ 22 at 'the time of admission to the academy on july 1, 1937, of. sound physical health and good moral character. competiti ve examination should bc addressed to Congressman Ralph E. Church at either 10 Souith LaSalle Street, Chicago, or House of Representatives, Washington, D. C. The candidate should designate where it would be most convenient for him to take the examination. Letters of application must be postbefore micnight, September 1markedi 26. fy, Mr. Church has announced competitive examinationl of (Superwised trip to Arizona, leaves La Salle Street Station, Septeinher 1Sth) COUNTRY CLUB finance comimittee of the reek, student A. W. by council, was- announced, this wc Van Deursen, of the scie iece departient of the school, facultyi sponsor of the council. .This will be the secon nd year that the activities ticket, which, wiIl admit students to ail home athliletic events. -fa Dr. Franklin Pierce announces that he has purchased the veterinary hospital located at 1000 Ridge road, Wilmette, formerly owned and operated jointly by the late Dr. Frederick C. Buschbom and Dr. Pierce. Dr. Pierce, states that he will thoroughly modernize and re-equip the premises to more adequately serve his constantly increasing clientele in the north shore area. Williains, h, returned for I ron River, Wis., wher spent a week 6ishing. they had