ail of us know there- bas been a eniployees -in the Federai rapid expansion, the extent, of ýthe the e.nd of the. fiscal year June 30, 1936, the number bas grorwn to 824,grwhis mlot yet, fully recognized. 259. It bas been estimatedl that oneGivis Parti"List employees received No truer or more acc urate picture four th1 of these> without competitive positions their of the developmpent of expensie bucarefully reads one 'If iexamination. reauciracy at Washington can be preCongress since sented. than by sùmp ly listing the ex- the laws enacted by new agencie s the establishing isting uew bureaus, agencies and 1933, invariably will he governwfent, the oi divisions which bave been estàblished that cémeffect the to words find folas since 1933. Some of themi are re"without selected be inm4y ployees lows: Service." Civil the to gard Agnlcultural Âdjuotmolit.Administra- -T-be Civil Service system Was oniBanks for CooPeratives. ginally established iii 1883. 'Under 1Business Advmory Co;ncili Bureau, of Uotor Carriers. President Arthur 10 per cent of the Central Statistical Board. were under the Consmeora'Division. .abor 'Depart- Federal employees civil servic 1e. classified coinpctitive. ment. Coordinator for Industrial Coopera- 1This percentage continued to increase. tdon. Under President Hoover it rose to Con»nodity Credit corporation. 180 per cent, and we can well take commditis Exhang Comission. neib'ýÊëàt cognizancc 'of *thefact, ' if *ébeivè Division f daig ment. ini efficiency in government,. that durDilvision of Public Contracts, Labor ing the last three years the percentDepartment. Einergency Conservation Work. age bas dropped to something like melctric Home a"dFarm Àuthority. 57 per cent. "To the victor belong Elport-import Bank. ýthe spoils" is ai expensive philosopby. Farn Credit .AdmhistrationFaederai Yederal redersl Federai Aicobol MmtnstratiorL. Commnunications Commission. Credit Union Systemi. Deposit Inzurance Corpora- The land ini question is 660 feet wide 1In 1932 there were 5W,000 cciuia and bas a 90 foot channel running froin service. At RYTEX Doube the reguler quantityl 200 SINGLE SHEETS 100 ENVELOPES or tion. Federal Famn Mortgage CorPOrattOn. Federal Emergency Relief Admninis- Young Conduct the Wilmette Harbor southward through Wilmette, -Evanston, Niles Center and Lincolnwood. Included in the strip is McCormick boulevard running four and one-haif miles nort h'fromf Devon avenue. Part of thisland is traversed by a bridie path buit by the. Sanitary District several years ago. The land was. zoned for industries. but, the president of the association points out, no. indugstry bhaî located there. Meanwhile, a large population bas builit up in the northwest part of Chicaga. bordering. the strip, of land and adequate faeifities-hbave--not been provided for its recreation..ý At intervals tbe channel is crossed by Devon, Touhy, Oakton and Dempster. At Church street, Evanston, -it cèuives hothestwàftl. Part of the Evanston-Wilmette strip is developed with a golf course. T h e association's reconumendation suggests that title be given to Lincoln,wood, Niles Center, Evanston and Wil' mette, subject to ail the rights necessary for the Sanitary District to maintain the function of handling the sewage of the territory. McCormick boulevard %vouldbe turned over to the county and its signial lights to the comniunities aff ected. Committee. r Relations Board. ment Service. rinistratioli. le'> Committee. ion. 100 DOUKU SHEETS 100 ENM~OPES Adiistrationl of tion Divi.sIon, InCorporations and F'orest academy. Leaders at the conference will iniclude *the Rt. Rev. George Craig Stewart, bishop of the diocese, the Rev. Harold Hoît, director of Grace church, Oak Park; Miss Ghenrosé Gehni, executive secretary of the Church Mission of Help; Stewart A. Cushman, of the Church club, Chicago; the Rev. John H. Scrambler, rector of St. Christopher's church, 1Sixteen courses ini public utilities and air and rail transportation, including several designed to analyze the effects of recent governmental legisiation, will be offered during the faîl semester in the evening divisions of Northwestern University's School, of Commerce on the McKinlock campus. Ilce I because of the ened toi Luke's, conference flostess. Conger Reyniolds, Il, 245 Cumnor A~ great as been road, Kenilworth, arrived home last ion not week from Camp Manitowish, where Cstruc., he had been for the past thrée weelcs. beptemoer 23. Miss Harriet Mons, 157 Woodstock avenue, Kenilworth, bas returned from-,a two.-week vacation spent invarious parts of Ohio.