'WHAT Gô ýA CONSTITUTION? U'NO one can" thirik cléarly or sensibly about 1 El- thgs vast and burning topic without in the first. instance* makinigup. his mind. upon the fundamental issue. Doeshe value the State above the citizen, or the citizen above the State?, Does ýa goverrnent, exist for the, inçividual, or do mndividÙals exist for the governrnent? "hold that governrnents are meant to be, and rnust. remain, the servants of . the citizens ; that states and federations only corne into existence and can only- be justified, by presérving the .'lue, libertyý and the pursuit of happiness' in the bornes and families of individuals. 'l judge the civilization of: any, cornmunity by simple tests. What is the degree of freedom possessed by the citizen? Can he speak, think and atct îreely unir velýestablshed, wellI4nown laws? Cati he criticize the executive governrnent? Can he sue the State if it has infringed his rights? Are there also great processes for changing the Iaw to meet new conditions? "Judging by these standards, Great Britain and the. United States can dlaim to be ini the forefront of civiized couimunities. 'The founders (of the United States) * were as well acquainted with the follies and intoler- keep ber busy, for it -is littie she can e,çpect in the 1a fhl it h otn Magazine preaches a whole sermon on, the. subwork of hebornethe uject ini these words: *"There are tirnes (at least twice or thrice a year). riculum of today's school bewhen the evervday world seems to focus ,just ain aseduongvin e bit' blurrily, out> of proportion. A few rnonths of student plenty to do. Espernonotonous, steady ,plugging at the saine old chîy i Atrc nhigh school. The.yugse job can upset,'a sound sense of values as coin who completes the course. knows that he'bas had, pletely as. a long-suffering donkey. can upset an: a r-a job. But it is a job we.Ill worth theý doing applecart;. and the proverbial inolehili begins 'to .forwthu i e is tremendously handicapped in resemble ýthe. upper reaches of the Hiinalayas. ý.securing another.sort of.jobupôn.wbjcb his living "Butwhe theoffce dsk ssurnes the dirnenrnay depend. :No one;bas, ever found, a royalra sions of a geographical unit, the personal foibles cf to knowledge, nor, are there any lazy %.rays or the office boy appear as Jovian rnoods, and wbetber, short. cuts., Itjis a long, biard grind, -but the re:waed is great. Y. X. Smythe wili take the contract. seernst inV -a-lawill nt 11! IIUa a IUF '-ri to ul dig deep into the old wallet. The Rotarian volve your 'prospects for personal salvation, just a seifcwic ilretr batappetite, and remeëmber that you're not past'ail hope. The resilient buman rnind bas a cure for just such states:. Teato Rpoers etnde as'ence_. surnably :in hiding to,.clear away the cloud 1ed effects of the Yates City Harvest Moon Festival, * vso.That medicine is latigbter, big hearty which our constant readers will recali, egaled. guffaws-at one's self. that worthy as the center of attraction, precipi4'Says Adu Huxley, h ini the vanuàrd of the. tates, the hereiti.after. mental -wand.<rings of hisSubstitute. greatest mod em novelists: 'A little rutbless laughter clears the air as nothing el-se can do .... it is good ... ev ery now and then . .. for solernniFirst off it sbould be noted that the P. R. ty's nose to be tweaked; for burnan pornpos'ity to 'Marcbing Club, fearful of the heat waves in *be rnade to look ridiculous.'1 Yates City, eventually settled upon a clambake "Or if one's too far gone to be capable of -a----at the Wilrnette seasicle as a fitting alternativernerry bellow of self-ridicule, just reeali that. as the clams having béen carefully dug out of hiding ini a well khown north sbore general store. far back as the Middle Ages, a wîse philosopher lluured out that man's comparative importance to*** tice of governrnent reserved to the &rnerican * states.' "AU the. great narnes of American history can be invoiced behind this principle. Why should it be considered obsolete? 'ln the shelter of the Constitution nature bas been conquered, a mighty, continent bas been brought undér the sway of man, and an economic entity establlshed, unrivaled in the whole history of the. globe."-Winston Churchill, English statesl man, writing in Colier's Weekly. FAcroRiEs vs. AuTomoBILES During recent years, the. industrial1 accident record-botb as to frequency and severity of accidents-bas steadily declined. More and more rnanufacturing companies are operating rntb after month without a single reportable. mishap. Unless ail signs fail, 1936 will witness stil.1 additional improyement over the preceding years. ftcpublican Hulninstratïon. In 18 oDviou5 ncfbas flot been following Mr. Farley's rnost recent prognostications. . And wbile ail and sundry are, concernedý about. tbe political carnpaign, it is sootbing to observe that Haydn Jones, Wilmette scientist and associate of Dr. Arthur H. Compton at the, University of Chicago, is assisting in the task of. calm.ly bend- fui 001lY as they re d. *Coach Lynn Waldorf is getting bis Wildcats in trini for the. 1936 football season. Tbey always look swell froni the press box. -iu