on September 11 Teti classifications arc listed in the scbedule of entries announced this week by the Foundces chapter of the Glenicoe Gardeni club for the annual flower show whichthe club is sponsoring 0on Friday. -Septemiber l. The show. which will be. held'in theè Coniiunity roorn. of . the auditorlim of the Central school in Clencoe between' the hoirs of I ;and 9 p.tm.., will bc open to the. puic, this -vear. Thé committice announces further thai ail entries most be in place by 11 a.m. the morning of the display, and thiat no exhibit may be touched. after being placed. Ent rv cards tnust be mnailed to M". Frederick Fisher of Lake Bluff not later than Monday, Mrs Fiheris chairman of the show and serving on ber comnittee * a",: M"s. Williani Hagenah, Mrs. of Prize* Blooms An exhibit of flowers, and *vegetables e'ven more interesting and representative' than its'. prediecessors was the reward of the unexpectel re number' of visitors whù braved Tues, *day's stormns, last week, to viewl the' third ànniual, show ýof the North. Shore 'Garden ceer held at Conimunity House. The conlmunity gardens, in particular, showcd improvement, many remark.able specimfens being exhibited in arrangéments that were notable. In the section for vegetables grown in the community gardens, a s Pecial award was made to J. flahi, wbo had fourteen different varieties, ail conwonderful specimens, In the ciass for a group of vegetables, with sçven varieties as the minimum, jim Lancioni won first prize; Sylvio -sidered et, Mrs. Paul Patte%. Mr,,. J. Cameron Aspley. Mrs. George Pope. and Mrs. Robert Moulton. Provision bas been' made in the, Iist of entries for miniature arrangements. centerpiece arrangemuents of fruits .and vegetables, formai dinner Waner Nelson. Mrs. J. Milton Train- third. Sam Cesare, Camillo di Marco,and James Evangelista were given honorable mention for their exhibits. In that section a group of what the grower, a Mrs. Baker, named *'sea onions" was a most interesting exhibit. Resembirg large onions, these Marchiori, second; and C. Fragazzi, Flower table An arn ab- *Dahlia. &.arddee, doughter of Mr. anod ifrs. Jame.r B. Beardski. of 31f1imta polis. The Beard "e for4h lityd in, Wirneika for te». >vars, anid the bride is a groduwe of Yorth Short Couit.ri, Day. sehool. Mrs. Fletchber i.?ars ber uûthmtrs tWdii# gcpcl, anid is s<i'ed, beweoîh tht, portrait *f ber qrecat- Ai rs. Secftexi .. 4 'ris Ienry Elleby Photo. Minneapolis Fletcher Of 3i Wsapolis 's the former RuIl blooms-. third prize was awarded. A. special class was created for liles brought by Mrs. Robert Mandel of Glencoe, who won first prize for auratum,. second for white phillipinesi, and third for rubrun speciosurn. First prize ini a special gladioli group was alsn awared M rs. Mandel, .elowzinniasveiy ieautiful specimens, won second prize ini this class for Miss Marion White. No i ye*at.