a reception for the famlles wvill be helà at the home of the. bride's parents. Miss Kober will have but one attendantlber sister, 'Mrs. John Walker Bellamy of Evanston, and En,'iji Kasper Of Chicago, wiII serve, bis. brother -as J)est man.. Both Miiss Kober and1Mi. Kaspar were.students last year at Iowýa State. college. Thiîs ycar Mr. Kaspa r wviIl be a sophomore at LeRwis institute in Chicago.1 M iss Kober %vas the guest of. honor at several showers, lnu the pIast two nionths. 1l1.JuIy Miss Sallv Verner of Palmi Beach. Fia., and M'Iiss Lucy Kaspar were co-hostesses at a litien shioWer at', Miss Kaspar's hiOme inXViiim iette. Earlyiin August Missý Marlion )Vard of 1**%.anstoi gave a personal, sliowcr for the b)ride, and the latter part (f the ionth m Miss Helen WC(arsonio f Iw.ýanisiý)toetrtained'at a niiscellauieoUS>, slo wer. Fi tte,ýd and, Flar eid ~ 4 from1h MODERATE PRICE $HO P Refreshing1Y new- and a love Of a dress wfh tis slim Princess flnes and ifs tunic wth Iwide and handsone. elr. 't s jusf one of many stunning 'new-season" frocks in the Moderate Prce Shop, and may b. had in black, romance blue, araby green, wine or brown. y I i I Mfr. Kaspar and his bride willI make tJc' r homie at~ 1027 Cen.tal avenue, \Vilmette. Dorofhy Ruschli Is Bride of Bernard Waling Miss Dorotbyv Ruseli. daugliter of Ntrs* Florcuice Ruschli, 1216 Grego-ry avenue, ivas married on Tuesday Miss Ruschlj wore a 1)'rown crepe .treet dress with matching accessonies and a corsage of gardenias. Her oni3y attendant, 'Miss Loretta Weiiand, of L-vusouwore rust colon crepe it bnowvn accessonies andj a corsage of poin-poni chrysanthemumins. Joseph lin senved Mn. \WaIiug as best iiuaii - mong for ivas Miss a Rusdil prior to the ber parties wedding incu. Sport 'Shop Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Wallace and t.heir two sons, Bob and Milton, moved last Saturclay from 110 Thirteenth street to, 130 Sevetiteenth Street. EDOARA.STEý mc. $5.95 1614 Orrington