Staff Photo The village greela baebali teim, above, wihhas 'On eiIl past 12 gaines, and ;vhich tiinds uIP the scasopt îzext Tuiesdaymrn out o! il'aant Vattnwni park, includes as its ncebcs Pitcher Oscar Beck ini front, kIet to ri/ht, Coach VÎernopt WaVite,, Catcher Tony Mali.'Ïa, Itfielders and Walter ehuette aud Art Cicchinil -Ou tfi'elders Tomi Kivlam,.Jon Mitchell, andý farl Borre, (captain), Infielder- cii Meyer, Outfielder. and Co-Captaite Len Barre, and Maniager Charies Lee. At flhe rear o! the group, if Pirst Baiseman Ulter Wa, Meier. J" Blnis -oue ATEVANSTON Christ, Scieîflist,1 on S unday, August Art Mart to Be 130. Held in Ravinia, 'lhle goflen text was,"God sent iot Again Ravin ia is to have one of tiiose unusual and aesthe.tic features Which have help)ed to inai<e it so outstanding as a north shore art ceî:ter. For nany years, Ravinia has heeti regarded as a focal p)oint of artistic endeavor, and again, on Saturdav. September 5. is to be held an outdoor art rnart and exhibition which %%,ill bring the atinosphere. of the Latin Quarter of Paris ivithin the reach of his Soli into the world to condernn the %world; but that the world 'throughi him. inight be saved" (John 3 :17). Aniong the citation's whichi colinprised the lesson-sermon was the following fromn the Bible: "He that hiath the Soli bath life : and lie that bath vot the Soni of God biath tiot life. Tiiese things have 1 written unlto yoî, that believe on the i-arne of the Son f tours. tiere in thIe open-air wilil)be ekhibited, and offere4 for sale charrniiig paintings, and sketches. Onc of the happy facts about the whole mnatter is tfiat inaiv of these wIlhe 0of1ered at prices whicli %vil] be veil ".vtllîi, thte reachi of any art lover. At 4 oclock ini the afternooii, Dr. l)udlev Crafts WVatson will give a promenade talk on the entire exhibi-. tion. Ail are invited to join hin and1 and Health with Key to the Scritures," by Mlary Baker Eddy: -Thec Christ wvas the Spirit which jesusi implied in bis own statements: 'l arn the way, the truth, anid the life ;' . and my Father are one.' This Christ,' or divinitv of the inaîî Jesus, was his divine'nature, the godliness which animated hirn" (p. 26). Cao 33-3 Park Avnue, GIeucoe. in a. elJI #puer end sylist on the North SAere S11K CREPE OR SATIN IN TUA ROSE M-mi-