XiUJ S, JfU.easnx urg 3nu 2. for 1 or Suitable Winnetka 1878. vu* 82Ll7-ltp) ecriptivebrochure. SUPtRIOR: UCt 11. iS. UEIUL~~' 9ZL17-ltp, Arn. FOR ReuNT.FUReiNIHD LARG E WELL-FURNISIIED IZOOM. new .,ire.ès , ica88 peret. i Heat, gas, light, ldiot and . -ld water. mileage.. Reanonable price. ter 6 P. lé. only. Af WINNETKA.,1633 77A-TN17-ltp 1230 WILMETTE AVE., .WILmE.ITTE 4 84LTN17-ltP> PRACTICALLY, NEOWCHEVROLET cheap. very 1% tontrc to be sold WANTrED 70O SNT-LTr. HKFi. 5MB. OGA1RDEN TRACTOR AÔ EMLOYED) 2815, Winnetka WOMAN -S8T UD ENT e89 Spruce .wants furnished , ousekeepiRng rooîn with closet by'Sept. :10. Viinity iibrary.: 1932 Chevrolet Conv..coupe.' Heated attie preferredI. ,34.00 weekly. LII; Rumble neat. Good cond., $200. ,Write, A-132,, Box-60, Wfllmette, 85LTN17-ltp . T CYL., 6, brakes.. Géoo IU N K, HYDRAULIO tires. $95. Phone Wil. 77A-LTN17-ltp 4004. DE LUXE 1LYMOUTE LATE ln coupe. Hau bad best of care and'la price. Cati excellent condition. Low 647. Wizi. 2851,,or.Winnetka AUMTMIUALU BUY OR FOR AN IDEAL VACATIONon wheels. vent a new Bchult bouse $20 a week and up. Glencoe 1368.., 78LTIN17-1tp WINNETKA 670 77A-LTN17-lte 1929,DODGe, SEDAN House Trailer, Rent-Sale FOR BOY 17 YRS. OLD WANTED attending H. S. l3oardi room, laundry and good Protestant home care ln farniywth both parent" lIving. Will pay $15 month and pro Ide clothing, medical care and certain other expenses. Write and Allen Shiffner, 111. Children's Home Aid Society, 203 N. WO.baah, Chicago: 88LTNl~tp CULTURED COUPLEI DESIR E 2 BEDrooms and bath ln private home, meais inciuded. No othêr ,boarderl.. Winnetka 88LTN17-1tp 1128. RKAL BSTATE SERVICE W#,Nlrgo--»ooà*o Afin »Om 3638 LAKE SHORE DRIVE fuilisize mooms with 1 bath from 3$67.50; 5 rooms with 2 baths froni $85., ModFOR oRmn-NHouSE ern apartments with sunny roomae, cross ventilation, over-looking, Lincoln Park extension and, )e1mont Harbor. Cômbinlng the. quiet of the suburbe 5 bedrin.. 2% bth., Ige. groundand conveniences with the adirantages newiy .decorated.ý........ ...... $100 of the' city. For information' cal bedirm., 3:bth., 2-cçar gar., ol-, 6 1855. eUCkINGHAM 136 charmlng Interior.............. 5 bedrm", 3 bthý..near lake.....150 25 AST WALTON PLACE 4-5-6-7 roms, $65 to $110. Restricted A bedrm.,'2% bth., 2-car gar. 2 blks. 115 ........ scb. and transp. eiemator bldg.>.One block west of Drake 6 bedrn*., 3 bth., 2-car. gar., i blk. Hotel. Cal SUPECRIOR 1i855. 150 liq CHICAGO 7 roorna, 3 baths, 4 bedrooms. Beautifully furni5hed. Possession at once. Gre. 0471, Reasonable., M4r., Raymond,93LTM17-ItC KENILWORTH 8934 P'RONTIER AVE. ..................... lake 5 bedrm., 2%Ç bth.,. recreatioli rm. 2 biks. -sch. and t'ranÊp.......... 125> Sleeping porch. Tii. 3 batls. ,Oç9os, lireplâcé, *ard, gara" 4 bedrm.. 2 bth.. cil, perfect cond. . 10() bath. s1hower, 5 available. Nqear transportation, park 4 bedrm., 1 bth.. oil'... ......... and lake. $135. Telephone BUCKING- 6 bedrin., 32% bth, oi-2 blks. sch., HAM 1855. 150 lake and transp......... ..... .. 4 bedrrn., 1% bth., oi-cholce east . . . . . . . location .... . .WINNETKA -50k MELROSE STREET Near Belmont Harbor. 6 rooms, 2 baths. 4 bedrin., 3 bth., oil, near sch. and $92.50. Good transportation and schools. transp.-.........................110 156 Center St., Winnetka Call WELLINGTON 1855. 2 pcb. Ige. Do TS AND EOUPMENT. 4 bedrmi., 2 bth., oil771 Wilmette Winnetka 2575 91A-LTN17-ltp . grounds .. . FO>R SALE - ONE-SEATER KAYAK, 1429 Gregory Ave. Wilmette, lst f100?. LIST YOUR.HSES. AND PROPERTIES 78A-LTN17-2tp wth SEARS for immediate action., Kenilworth 5288 7 large Iight rooms. 3 baths, caflvas .421 Richmnond Rd. 97LTN17-ltc wàlls; shower stali, gararge. Kenfilworth 5288 421 Richmond Rd. 1A-LTN17-ltc, NEAR TUNSPORTATION Whmnetka 323888LN71 9 large rooms; excelent layout, tile baths and showers, near lake, park, 2L AR~G E NICELY FURNISHED ,s chools, transportation. ReasonablY priced. WELLINGTON 1855. FR~ONT ROOMS. NEAR SCHOOLS AND TRANSPORTATION. GARAGE HAVE A FINE SELECTION 0F AT2325. AVAILABLE. WINNETKA tractive, suitable homes to leae.at 82LTN17-ltp AVE. 3030 SHERtIDA~N & 417 BARRY rates. FurnIshed or unfurreasonable FEW A WHY NOT MOVE JUST Apply. to 'one of three local nlshed. where* Blvd. woodblocks west of McCormk 9 & 10 spaclous rooms, 3. baths, decor- Northi Shore offices: .NICE, LIGHT, COMFORTABLE ROOM you can secure burning fireplace. Attractively HIGHLLAND PARK-5 S. ST. JOHNS_ Single.or Double Highland Park 1856 ated & prlced. WELLINGTON 1855. Winntka2669. WINNETKA-790 ELM ST. 82LTN17-ltp -'4.\W' m o 6 OPEN SUNDAYS Briargate 1855 Winnetka 2700 EVANSTON-522 DAVIS ST. Holiycourt 1855 GET OUR C034PLETE LIST Greeleaf 18556 MAIN OFJICE-134 S. LA SALLE ST. Central 18655 MÂKFI Your RESERVATIONS NOW NORTH SHORE REAL ESTATE 1 JAMES T. WRAY GLENCOE .100 SEARS REAL ESTATE For immediate or Fal Occupancy ROOM FOR RENT SI&ARS REAL ESTATE Do You Wish to CtY0'ur Rnt? . ht. 2-car gar. att. MITH .7-ltp 85 Vernon Ave. 7-ltp Glencoe 709 97L17-ltp