An extension of ten days timie ini which New Trier taxpayers may pay their taxes f0 Township Golector Sanborn Hale, has been granted by * Couit v Treasurer joseph L. Gill, therebyý enabling the local collector Trhe great iniprovemrent ini safety sary and useful item. of New Trier. townsbip hig;b scbool, to niak 'e an earlier distribution of ad- conditions, the chief declared, is, due I-MarianKremer,,chairmnan. j .Robb Harper of Wilmette Public * ditional f tnds to the Various taxinig largely to the safety c.ampaign that schools, and Elmner L. Nygaard of the, is being, conducted by represenfatives * bodies. Kenilwortb Note:. Economny Shopi is conductied An nouncement of t he extension of, bis 1deparfment. Names of schooL. the* teachers who will, b He àdded. however, that al the..Il iwas, made, Tuesday morning by Mr. included in the facuflty of the Ijoseph Hale, who explained that the limit accidents which occurre d in -August Sears school, Cuinnor and Abbottswvould have 6een 'preve'îted wif h propdate is nowThursday, September.10, ford roadsandCumberland é .r care avenue, and attention-,toý the traffic and applies f0 both real estate and were announced. laws., this week by Mr. personal 1935 taxes noôw in course:of Four of the candidates for member- Nygaard. collection. ship in the lower bouse of .the state. »The list. includes four new teachMr. Hale said that by Tuesday eve- Two Churches Conclude They are, Ms ilrdScott, legisiatureé, two Republicanis and two ers. ninig he anticipated bis, collections foýrrnerly critic teacher at theUniverUnion Services Sunday Democrats, three -of wbom are to be sity Normal, at Normal, wiould have" passed the $800,00 mark. Dr. George D. Allison, minister of. elecfed in November, 'Will, be the teach fifth,.grade; Miss Los who wil He hias already turned over to TownSwallow, ship Treasurer F. A. Andrew, for the the Wilm ette Bapfist 'church,- will speakers. af the evening, meeting, of formerly third grade critic teacher at grade and High -schools in New Trie 1r, preach, the sermon Sunday morning, the Wilniette. Chamber of- Commerce, the Stat.e Teachers' college, Oshkosh,. 1;;37;O»i Wilmefte village, $34,000;- September .6, in th e First, Congrega- whic h will be.heldon Moniday,'Sep- Wis., who .wIll teach in, the third Wilmette park district, $12,000, and tionalchurch-at the Iast of the union tember 14, at Shawnee Country club. grade; Miss Phoebe Bleecker, forCook county, $65,000. Payments wil sumuier services held by the- two The speakers wiIl be Mrs. Bernice mer director of girlýs' physical trainlie made this week to Kenilworf b, congregafions. His sermon subject T. Van der Vries, of Winnetka, and ing at Excelsior, Minn., who will inWVinioetka and Glencôe, vilage' and wiU be~, "Wor-k-A Blessitng, or a rank Poster of 4 ahàîey, botb kepu bCurse." park, he said. Sun dav's service will conclude two licans, and Frank Ring, Democrat, of and Richard Purdy, mathematics and .Taxpayers should bear in mind, months of union Sunday morning Harvey, who now represent the 5ev-. science instructor in the junior High Mr,' Hale said, that the penalty date services participated in hy the mem- enth Senatorial district, which in- school, Cedar Falls, la., wbo will lias ixof been . extended, as the date1 bers of the. two churches. Dr. John cludes most of Chicago's suburbs and feach sixth grade and who will also of September 1, on the first instaîl-1 G. Hindiey, minister of ' the Con- emb races 90 municipalities in~ a haîf- have additional classes in mathmient. and February 1, 'on the second1 gregafional church occupied the pul- circle around the cit.y, in Springfield. emnatics. insfalîment, was fixed by the statei pit at services beld in the. Baptist Emniett McGrath, the other candiOlimer TeacLoe. Other teachers at joseph Sears legisiature as the due dates. church during JuIy, and Dr. Allison date on the Democratic ticket,' bas also been invited to be present. school will include Miss Mariorie Hoivever, due f0 the delay ini mail- has been in charge through August. rsnitlrkindergarten; Miss Caroline chrbnche twn he Stanton, T A questionnaire, submitted by ipg out the Chicago buis, the Penaltv thé Illinois Chamber of Commerce to al Assiembly iCanndidates to Meeting Pair Bound Over to Grand Jury by Police Officiais Roy and Theresa Stuart, domestic employees at t he home. of A. R. Pcferson, 227 Raleigh road, Kenilworth, *were bound over to the grand jury,, last Thursday, by Police Magistrat e *G. R. Rothermel of Kenilworth, following the discovery of jewelry belonging f0 Mrs. Peterson, as well as fo the families of J. D. Allen of Glencoe and of Paul S., Nushell of C'hi- of the UExplorers' club," at the Wilmette public library, who read over 20 excellent books during the summer, were announced by Mrs. Beatrice Graham, children's librarian, this week. The children were- Patricia Crowley, Peggy Davidson, Virginia Hale, Rosemary Halîdorson, 'Nancy Henderson, Lucille Hens. Marion* -ae1 the c liiiuUn, ail members Mr. and Mrs.. William T. Hapeman of 1008 Ashland avenue returned to Wilmette on Sunday frorn a fortnight's cruise on the Great Lakes. They went up f0 Duluth and then over f0 Mackinac where f hey spentj a. week at the Grand Hotel. From there they crtiised to Buffalo and back f0 Detroit, coming home by train. ker and Miss Anna M. Pemberton, seventh and eighth. Special teachers will include: Miss Margaret J3avenport, music; Miss Louise Robinson, art; Miss Tolita Hanson, domestic science; R. J. Finnigan, manual training; and Robert W. Townley, boys' physical training. (Continued on page 10) der, fithgracie; Miss t.dith-M. Stry- i.on WIL eorgic. on :i~l1~ ~ nee avenue, a Souînh Janiero.' in cru se wo