unies.L. iLavalee, Mrs. JEdward'Hoffnman and Mrs. F. J. Pfahler. Mrs. Cllfton Walker, as chairman of the printing, will be assisted by Mrs. H. L. tiarker..Mrs. George H.* Beaudin, Mrs. Warl'en1 Clohisy, and. Mrs., A. J. Hughes. Mrs. Robert TI.,Markham, wili continue as education chairinan with Mrs. John D. Flynn, Mrs. Arthur J. Hughes, Mrs. Marshal V. lKearney, and Mrs. F. R. Steel. Mrs. Harry U. Barker will serve as program çhairman with- Mrs. Heniry Dalton assistlng. MrÈS. lTomas P. Gibbons. and Mrs. H. L. Barker will represent, the club as delegates to.the State féderation. Alternatesare Mrs. John Tracey and'Mrs. Robert Fonthamr. The'delegates of the Tenth district are, Miss Genevieve Lagen and Mrs. Alfred Rohol, alternates are mrs. Howard-Mickey and Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Henry Dalton rePresents'the Natiojial 'Councl 'of Catholie Women and Mrs. Jou . Stedem the Wllmette Council of Girl Scouts. The Chicago Council .of Catholie Women .18 represented by Mrs.Max- KeU4ing an~d Mrs. JMeeph Koza with altern.iteý Mrs. Char-les Rogers and Mrs. Guy Paekard. ini standard si*w. MATT R ESS-'61 Mrs: Thomas P. Gibbons, president ofi.he Woînuuiss atholic Club of -Willmette for the Iext two. years, brings tvit h her.a broad, exectiveiü experience gained front her active uwrk for inani, ear1iuOser Lady ' of Lourdes Club: of C'hicago, ini iwhich she held the Posit'ins of correspondin.g secretary, financial se'cretary, anad program e-hairman anid as a nwunberof -the, ligeitwier .0Vl.$7 Specialzgi__________ REMAKING-BOX SPRINGS, mAlrTRESSES ANDPILLOWS. IAu cH s .SLUMSEI ÊRSHOP Cur r-Shermnoud Grove. ýEvans#" M. Th ATTRESS SToRr UI"sI 22 PATRON.IZE ÔUR'ADVIIRTISRRS. ('aiholic Woman's club and the' Gleiuola club. Entertained on Yacht During Eastern Trip Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Hick* man, 'Jr., and their two sons, Dic Wesley, of 1322 Greenwood av Garden Club1Program The Kenilworth iHome andi Garden'~ iMonday, Septemberj fternoon, at the home 1 asin 733 Cum. GUE '(r them for a week aboard bis yacht. and they enjoyed some salling. Of Chesapeake Bay. They also visited Philadephia and New York, before returning by way of Niagara Falls, Canada, and Detroit. Miss Louise Hickman had planned to accompanly ber family on the trip, but several days prior to their dceparture she accepted a position with a Chicagobank. Have Vsîtors Richard Coughlin and Edward Casserly of Galena, Ill., were guests of the Ray C. Pearson family of 117 DePee place on Labor day. Miss Catherine Rae Pearson returned recently from a six-weeks' visit with relatives in Galena. psin., lipý 333a...dU Pub Ins.. kno. k ado ii