Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1936, p. 54

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9s.ervice next Sunday Morning',' epempt là. and invite others of the congregatibn the. to ýattend. The service will IfolÔw last usual order, lgat SOnday being the, *day for the summer service. ACoIr mem.bers _wil be ln theïr places',also. The. music for the worehip service Sunday mocrning will b. as follows: Organ 10:45>: «"Prelude"............Dubois Dubois ................ "Offertoie"? Marie Briel Introit: "4Cast Thy Burden Upon *the L'ord", Medlsh Ant'hem by the Choir. l' ArnAlpha and Omega'. .... Stainer Offertory Anthem: «"Sanctus". .. Gounod or gan Postlude: 'rhunphal March".......Dubois The. Church.school will reopen its doors 9:30 o'elock. next Sunday morniing, at.invited tn atMembera of ail ages are tend thusfitrst session. Nrew enrolluients will also b. made. The general superintendent le Thomas H. West. 'the Small chidren are cared for ln The. Nursery during the worship service. ushers will b. happy to direct anyone lnterested. Tlh. Chorus choir will hold Its first rehearsal tonight, Thursday, at 8 o'clock lni the Junior room. Ail former members and on tiue. are urged to be present Invited tô Join New voices are' cordtIaly fs . ni themeé, Invite1 W.. se' tile oip rh 1 ii~ I' Us. - M30swjima nounds, diirec-tor, -bas arýranged the. folowing' musical numbers for the morniig worship s ervice: Prélude, "ýPrelûde"I (A fiat, op. , No. 8), Scriabne; -solo, 'Seek Y thé. Lord," Uyns solo, .'dut of the Deep," Marks, (Feramors), Rùbenstelnm 1rhe Sunday.schÔoo will résume its former sehedule and meet at 9:90 o'clock Please: notice .'the departments. aIl ln ln time> and be prompt.> change The Aziniversary committee wlll meet Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the. church. The trustées will,,hold their regular, meeting Monday evening. The. Presbytery of Chicago will meet Monday, Settember 14, at 10 o'clock at th1e R4ýgrs Park Presbytenian cburch. The Boa.rd of Deacons wili meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'ciock at the ciiurch. the cabinet of the Tuxis club 'will meet ffiday evening, September 18, :at the home of the. pastor. The. Adult1 Bible class will resumne Its meetings on1 Sunday, September '20, at 10 o'clock in1 the. chapel. of new memlkbers will be held edwaà' Otis, soloist; postlude, ."March" On SatuXrdaY, September 12, thël ",CouplesCliàs.,',IAlfrèd Heerens. president, holds an- outiflg at Washington' games and Park, at.'4 p. m. Publicity, refreshmlents. aré ln the, hands of vanocus couples -of .the. class. Tie class meets at 10 o'clock on Sundays, with leàsons on "The. Spread of New Testa0f time, ment CJristlanity." Note change and corne to church school ýwith, your chldren. Tii. HIgh *School, departmnent of the. Chirch chool will b. thei. guest oëf' Dr. and Mrs. Allison et the, personage' sunday evening at 6:30 'elock. ElIen Jones,. president 0f theé Young People's announce plans for ýthe society, .wi11 new season's meeting. ftithe GuilG of whin'vM presîdent. i the Darling at, a The entertaiflent waBýplanfed' 3, by tea given Thuréday, September Mrs. Howard Miller, social chairmlafl, of her at ber home for thie memfbers Mrs. May committee: 'Central circle Fran'k Sgaville; Cozy Corner'circle-Mrs. William Richardson; Adams and MArs. Johnsol;. East End circle-Mrs. Parl McFrank W.. circle-Mr5t. Crescent Hoyt circlei-Mrs. Clure;,Xeighlborhood Walter King, North -End circle-Mr5. crcle-Mrs. West North . Maugiaf; Conrad T. Frank LaBoûte and Mrs.* is in Trucker 'Albert Mrs. Fryckmnf. 1* Darlinlg L. Mrs.,C. cookies. ebarge.of the of, members from models choosiflg Guild. Ramona Mrs. D. C. Arlington, 1034 N4eighborhood road, will entertain. the a 1 circie for their first meeting, at Sepo'clock Dessert luncheon,, Tuesday, tebr15. Mrs. eM . MeMillefi will he assisting hostess. . Lutheran St ohn'-s and Park avenues Wiimette J. H. Gockel, pastor 9:15 a. m.-First 'service. 9:30 a. m.--Sunday school and Bible classes. il1:00 a. m.--Second service. Day, SepChurch school Reopeniflg are, Iookiflg; tember 13,at 9,:30, a.m. W.and girl, and for the return of every boy bring the. in addition request that.you into the new friends who, have noýved The. commuiiity 'durlng the .summer, and superintendets are itu teàc1iefr the readiness to greet you. Let's give next staff members a cordial welcomle Suflday morn1ng. FalC Cjommiunion and reception Sunday telnber 20. rnorning, 'Sejl .The MEETINGS Seventii street at Greenfleaf Ladies, Aid' society, today, 2 p. m. "A House of Worsiiip" Sunday school staff, supper and busi'The. By. David n. Kabele, pastmr ness meeting, Fniday, 7 p. m. Chldren's Christian education classes, Saturday, 9:30 a. m.; Wednesday, 4 p. mi. SUNDAY SEILVI('Fs ... ... .8 a. ini. service .......... Ear1y~ the. service a. ni. 9 ..... ..... 'In Sunday's il o'clock ..... school Church Ila. ni. aduit. class, compsed of Mr. and Mrs. Second service ............ Thie music for the servi(-(., next Sunday is as folows: English Luth eran PostIude-' Victoria Ls niu sua to e n e e iLi altr reh " for chu No- morning prayer withi sermon at Il a. in.i. prépare octrine The. FaIX Festival wiil e held Fuller 114 are interested, the. you .If vemnbei 19 àand 20. Mrs. A L. The. ciurch schoolIin ail its delmirt-t for gifts )e pIeased to give you furtiier the chairmafi. Anyone l0c ing time will mente wili open Sunday, Septemiber '20,.1 of any kind at the. preç t smart mner- flot Sunday, September 13. The regularÉ flnd 'quite an assortmenti the. womnf. date for opening odr churceh "hiooIs is sale1 on On Sunday afternoofl, at 4 o'clock. the. already chandîse knittiiig always the. Sunday after the opening of Rev. Theodore Andres wili be irIstaIled for takE being now are Orders year1 tuis open wiiich school's, grade the acid baby as the. new pastor of Bethlehem Luth-, sQtands. baËkets, aprons, on Septeniber 14. eran ciiurch, Wesley and <reenw ood cessories. avenues. Evanston. Paýtor Gockel will at 'sing will choir vested boys' 'The. Tuesmeet preacii the installation sermon, and the. beginservice, o'clock il regular the foi* oclock flev. Paul E. -Meyer will. cond1uct 'the .20. September Sunday, ning W. R. M!rs. installation service. Saint-Saens try of! Muie W. invite yOU to worsehip-witii ur flext Sunday m'orning. The pastor havwill ing returned from bis vaeation again occupy the. pulpit. Next Sunday, morning wili b. the last Su'nday niorning of. our summer sciiedUle of services. Beginning Sunday, Septeniber 20, the Ciiurcii school 'will convenie at 9 :4,5 and we will have oniy me service of Worsiiip at il o'clock.. Duning the. Ciurci .9midav m6rninthe 1nst of a selhool hour next ser-ies (if s S. WTed lef tKelly, i, nt ~--ý-ýapy bomu.com1ng and, weicome bUe t waS W" 1 for the pastor. ELr- onight (ThursdaY> at 8 o'clock the the, 001, choir resumes Its rehearsals under The. Board. of Trustees will meet next sch< ond Insplring 'direction of Mise Lydia Kocii. ' T'h, S three dePi ment. the kindergg ge at Notre ;hman year. from New Iay Ind., for ne, ss Kelly r High '. I

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