Bria Doulevy Transforms Pal From Piano Mayer to Deep Sea Diver CO.$ y5 and f un', try laru.y's. Bring, your friends amui Pluay ping-pong or poolt Lunch a qvtii.fountain. material several seasons ago when lie' designed several draped evening ietrich and: Marlne gowns -for This drapery.. for. ideal found it% week he bas put into work a ýcbarming daytime frock for Joan Bennett's wardrobe -in "Wedding Present," a B. P. Schulberg production to ,be released sop)n thr-ough Paramhount, New Pajarna Designl Pajtnias With shirts 2ett out are about the newest, 1smartest H4ollywood styles. Alne judge will introduce this amusing fad ini "Valiant, Is The Word.For Carde," in which she is being directed by ber husband, Wesley Ruggles. Designed by Travis of bisque colored heavy satin with regular trousers. The important note is the blouse wbich is an exact copy of a boy's shirt, tails and ail, and hangs straight f rom- the shoulder. in Style Spotlight Banton, fuis original pàjâ:ina suilt is "Years Are So Long" 1Bought for Pictures Paramount has acquired one of the have been. given great popular support cluring the past few months reWith plenty of opportumity f or nice turnïng for one-day sbowings, the director and cast succeed in makwork, Valencia tbeater is presenting a va- ing a. hilarious. comnedy otf. of "We ried prOgram. during the coming. week. Went to College," the M-G-M- picture "Th.ree Wise Guys," one of the featured by the Wilmette theater this more. recent films, is making its first Friday and. Saturday. appearance at the Valencia this Fn-r Best, performance is that ,turnedý in by day and Saturday. Una Merkel, who 'attem#pts to capture, a lost lové The picture is a,-p1leasant, refresb-. a n d another i1ng family. entertainmnent about a wealthy .playboy.,who is.forced tO womian's husbandand. support, his new. bride, a one-time Cha rle s Butcrook who goes. straight when, she is terworth fals in love. His attempts at farmfor t provide e both es r p officework at ing and the benefit of excellent comedy. bis armhy of* Furnless, Betty Robert Young,ý fanS. Raymond Walburn, and Bruce Cabot A swaggerbhave. the leading roles.' he - mani, ing Davidi Copperfield Norman Foster B r i a n Don"David Copperfield," the pi"cture iii le Vy, ,VIlo whieh Freddie 3artholomew mfade, knows his job1 but- not his wornen, such a sensation, will be sbown at transfornms bis pal, Norman Foster, the Valencia niext SundayJ fromi a pianîo player to a dcep-sea ýOther roles in the screen version diver, in "Hlgh Tension," sclieduled of the great classic by Cbarles Dick- for the Wilmnette theater's screcn this ens were taken by Lionel Barrymore, coming Sunday and 'Monday. Edna May Oliver, and W. C. Fields, First Class Show as weIl as by a host of other stars. Donlevy's courtship of Glenda FarFredric March and Norma Shearer rel!, bis rowdy batties, bis dariîng, and *were costarred witb Charles Laugh- bis bràgging, nmaké,"Higb Teio&'ii ton in "The Barretts of Wimnpole first class.entertainnment fromn start toý Street," the storv of Robert Brown-~ IAmnerican y 100,000 copies. and is. in constant delibraries. mand ini public tamîilyand life,rentai lias exceeueu The author is represented in tbis year's list of best sellers with "If I Had Two Apples." Gail Patrick ks Given "Tbe Barretts of Wimpole Strect" will, be revived by tbe Valencia theater on Monday of n ext week. Gary .Cooper's performance ini the splendid comedy, "Mn. Dccds Goes To Town," in whîch he played the part of a country gentleman who tried to dispose of five million dollars to the best advantage, of bis fellow citizens, only to bc arrested as insane, put him ini the forefront J.a.> tP - .. .1, -.. 1 Frank Morgan,. xviii bave a thrcc dIay runi next Tuesday, W.edniesday. aild Thursday, at the \Vilmiette theater. The, immigration racket along the Pacific coast :and the manner in mhich, it is exposed, mnakes an initeresting filin, "Humian Cargo," wbicb is to beý-shown at the Wilmnette theàter on Thursday of. titis week. Directed hy AlMan Dwan, thi.s Fox icludes Claire Trevor, Bniant Doni1iu levy, Alan Dinebart, and Ralpi Morgan. IN-01sA u L 1 ý;- Warn.r, *1I0 M) -Myrne Loy ISteak L.ça*ed on West- Lake Ave. e Lunch.... Curtise Ajrport in Glenview Adjoig the ITel. lenvjew M.- September 28, 29, 30; October 1"San Francisco." F. Phone, BEN ERICKSON Wilmnette Plat W % 4092 Mr . and Mrs. C. J. Carîsen of 501 Washington avenue .returned to Wi!mette just before, scbool started, having Ispent the summerý at Pasadepa and Redondo BeCacb, Cal.