Remember-ot Lyion's. prescriptions are compounded Your by a staff of thoroughly trained )barmacists_ YOUR doctor' is OUR .no SquibbWs. -1lf A. B. Perre C. J'Iatkiins (left., jroiuîiienî Chicago attorney, aeid past consiianjder p!fleiciriran Leqiioni,dpatet of Illinoôis, WHII be tlhe prilicipiil speaker.;isexi. Wducdavthenin. icistallation ceremoi çof> the WÏiniette I.cdioasd tise pos1 iauiliary-, b be held at Shaivnucc Colgstry club. Cal.Ilfi-i.d J>rersoni, -144 IMa pie aveilîne. riqht>, rrtiring 1 os tcomnîtader,.is. ailsotie ltiairman i-of flic coin itter planning the ccrcsnonv and rrns > APIIN69e D.$3 fl $ 7 100 HALl VER OIL and CAPSULES. VIOSTEROL f soc CAPSULES...*.. Squib'& BABY 379 1 VI OIL . ... . . . . MALTED MILKC .. 15 RoUa Fort Orange TOILET TISSUE sec ATTEND CONFENCE Mrs. Ira Re3uloIds, 218 Ninth street. Mrs. H. J. Dernehi, 512 Fif-th street, Mrs. B. L. Mitchell, 20 Sixth street, Mrs. Walter Sutherland, 83 0 Oakwood avenue, ail* of Wihnette, and Mrs. L. Philip Denover, 643 Abbottsford road, Kenil "Now's the Time to RepairSHAWNËIN FUIUERS CONE TAILQE 1Fourti St. WII. 190; P -__________________ ANID FUR JACKETS -Made from your old fur coate -NEW SWAGGER COATS RUSSIAN 011, PL.. Squibh's 60e ALKA HCLT 9 I Certain - Safe BRMOQUNINE.29 VITAVOSE .43 SELTZER....... Box of17 12_1 worth, attended a regional conference of Girl Scout m-orkers, in. KenQshia. last Priday. Patronize Our Advertisers 40e Squibb's TOOTH POWDER3 33e ANNOUNCES A FREELECTURE $2,e95 $4.9«5 $7e95 HEALTH-0-METER, SCALES Aak fou ul.noustta' A &cale fer oves,' home. one by appi Reserved sei the e, THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND I. Wibute. ma C.mUtu Plo ih mt.0 4"