fromt 10 to il o'clock. Speaker for the meeting of October 13, Ni-l] be Dr. Bertha Schaeffer, Lecturer of the Illinois S$ocial *Hygiene League. Subject of the meeting to be 'IEdîcation TIsn't What It Used< To R. Bêgiiniing Tbursday, Octoler 15.ý there wilI be open house for the Babies' Friendly at the home oï M rs." Donald H. Maxwell,. 1414, Forest avcni.te. every Thùrsday afternoon tfront 1 :30 un 5 o'clock., The'purpose ýof this group is to help motiherstbget, j what.thie3 nee.d for their babies. ILavettes are m'ade and distrîbuîiedl. A mite box supplies 'Most of the funds and the Logani-Howard Parent-Teacher association also sponsors the group. The soc iety began in 1919 ,as ani orgai of !the Lôàafi School Parent-Teacher association. The Ballet and Tap Dancing cla.,ses sponisored by the Logani-Howard Parelit-TeacheÈ association, under the direction of Mrs. George Rutledge. w~ill commence Monday, 'October 12. at thie Howard school. Trilly tît.î-' ,ass 3 :00 to :"::Io01), Il. I3tginne.tsi ballet 3 :30 (0 4 :10 1). . I BABIES' FRIENDLY through social.workers. TMI5 *Li-PU*PO$f IEI1'fR LIOIIT-BETTER SIONT IAUP ONLY DANCING CLASSES Ift he iC. eed arises for -atly iotler kiîid of classes they will be arraîiged. Cail Nrsý E. N. Warner. WAiliiiutt 4()73. chairinan of Ballet an(] l'ai) )ain Classes, for further informal- ONLY $ DOWN f The Ballroomi Dancing classes j Balance monthly with your sored .by the Logan-Howard ParentTeacher association, under the direction of Mrs. Theron Woolsoîi. Nvill reopen Tuesdav. October 13. The' p- I.Misner, superintendent of Gtencoe scbools. wilI also address the afternoon, session of the conference on "Man's Need for Social j)irection."