Large ltILLO ~9' 00CON, 0 S ITwo Ire a* aU'Un dlh crl.p butter vv UwUU lut &ou ehôcolate wafers sandwlcbed wltl cream rllng. j I IDR. PRICIS IVAN ILLA SHE 19. IAged Ilonger, balte or freeze out. Addg new zest and makes a delightful variation ln- wood, stronger, lasts and: the flavor won't 119 -I I 13 a Il07C Li*I* UBo-P.pI Mne Boy lme 4, ors. For picnics, C'hoc. Sandwich Cookies, 29cëlb. Tender, oval crackers; dalnty of texture and dellcately salted. For soups, salads or appetiz-, t T a Bn utter Waf ors by Bremner 1 1ht139e DANISHIMACAROONS Yon've neyer tasted macarocrns wiha better flavor, lb..... 29e CLEAI451R ewives' Friend Tàe. iouse Large Pkg. 6ao- 47e Qg. Boulie 19CI 3cansZ5C Watch your dog's appetite pep up wlien you met th1s carefully prepared food before hrm.o The. perfect diet for rlght now. 1 ylz.ooec. Mop IHad Str..g1 1144-46.. 48 Central Avenue I 1, WILMËTTE. LIFE