momient, and that no means, however contemptible, would l)e left, unused. to irnpu'gi his motive.s and' cast ridicule up'on him. No one ýwho listened to tha:t oice as it came. over. the cther wave.s. coulai fait to perceiv-e that. the speaker ivas bowed down hy a great sorrow, ai that lie :was in no sensè, a "happy" wàrrior, r. Utilizin1g its paid space:lu the October 3 number. a. decidedly unhappy.,ote. His was a strange but of .- Editor and Publisher," the Boston "Evening Aftet a lifetime of devoted service to position. Transcript takes occasion to speak out plainly :Deînlocr.atic, principles he had: seeti Jeffersonian alioutthe New Deal, surpýlus tax law in these the party in which he had been, rear'ed kidn1aped.ý raped, despoiled, repudiatedan aliial but de stroyýed. *'Newspapc rs generally do not advrertise iii' He had seen the party platform, to which liean.d« Editor and, Publisher. to discuss governimental millions of other Arnericans. both Democrats'and 'rhcy talký about. lineage, circulation topics. Republicanis, had wholeheartedly subscribed, and groîvth or new, equipment. We are passitig al thé carrying ont of which haci been put into the these up-pot -because we could, iot talk- about hanis' of. a c andidate who s;oleinnlNl accepted il the-rn-but beéausevmost newspapers: are con-ý "100 per cent,," cast iinto the discard, aai-r principles andi philosophies drawni fromn across the fronted this yrear with a very serjous prçpblenî substituted for , t-hei. lHe had seenl thé 1seas. il) the brain chik1 of swivel -chair bureaucrats counsellors of his party ignoreai. theïr * reco)g.nizedl .\\asingto,î, most of whoin never ral a suiccessby radicals of all shades, fromi pink takeni places fui business.10 l)rillialit reai.' IHe had witnessed the promiulga-r "There are only a fe% ,iewspapers that made tiion of philosophies alien to the Anierican miinid, :noney during the depression. There are a gIreat alieni to the American formi of ,represeintative mnany whicli were able only to create debts dur.- *goverinment, and opposed fo everv Americani ideal ing that period. Only a certain amourit of debt of national freedom and inidividual liberty. fie can be safely created (somnething they have not hiac seen determiniea efforts to regiment f-ariners learneci in Washington). Wheiî debt reaches thc anid working meni. He had scen laws instituteai by presidential decree invoked to enforce codes p)oint of ail the traffic will bear something has alinut ht andl that something is Lgnt tn he e that w\ere repugniant to every hotnest Anierican. cation must bear the naine and addTCSS of £110auor, mot aoenarily for publication, but for outilles. Succb material muet reach te.editor by' Tuesday noon to be l in éfor te curont issue., use of that, we'd like to know. Ail along the' buman brain has been able to do everything that this newfangled machine will 'do-except think. And that leaves us about where we were. W\e' hoped to have something nice to say about the Cubs this week,, but circurnsta.nces, compel us to.postpone ally culogies., A Son; of Malhatma ,Ganàtdhýi4 pro mises to quit driniking 1)ad îvhiskey if thée pater ivili cmbrace, a; good religion. Seems to be a fait- Irop'osition. A LoS Angeles ,advertising ùman, XWilliam. je 1-1ingle,-r., hiad a hunich. So he took out an .insurance-policy by terms of which the comnpany w',ould pay him $5,0O ýin case liiSý wi île presentèid hini with twinis. And then she up and JrcseIte(l liiiii ivitli twin.s. The pateriial grandfather of these $2.50 b aieis is a-n oîdtime ac(juaintance of ours, and the stiry lias beeni verified. The p)rmud father got 5,000 stnackcrs. Ahr' an idea that wve 4et Coru Wallacc and Xrecks '12ugwe Il never th oughit about wlicn they wcrc tryju g to induce 1 ania hiogs to change their *a,sand flot briing, o nmauypI)glet., into the îvorId. Thev coul(l have taken ou't ai] insurancu, "CocI"EYEo" sonie newspapers which are honest enough not tô declare dividends out of this year's surplus profits while there yet remain honest debts, the 1936 tax law will take as high as 33% of the net profits. "Let's be frank about this subject. . There are none who object to paying taxes if the tax is not con fiscatory but when a tax becomes so great that -a newspaper (or any other buisiness) finds it cannot, within a reasonablé period, pay debts created ini a depression theni it is tinie to do -ce ani corrupý .a monev f romi the national treasurv. Andi seeiîîg aIl of these things. he recoileai. With his keenly perceptive minci AI Smith accurately gaugeai the purposes of the Roosevelt administration, noteai the direction in which that l)oasted "leadership" was taking the country, andi, in company with practically every important leader of the Deinocrati c party and practically èvery inifluential northern Democratic newspaper, refused to go along. He could. fot escape the conclusion h mighit serve, oo, bhy breaking ý-the insurance conîipaicis. Betcha. îlie do it n ext year. aniiotlier NXciv l)eal pirpoc, i-. lie gets for iiot raising, pig-s., Boldi\ directing is reark Presîdent Roosevelt a radio speaker roa-red, "Et,.idorse Tugwili or tire hiini !- It cloes look a,ý iflie shioula1 Ido on1e or the other. -Eniglis.h as-,ueicPspoke: A proinent lhL\vyer bis honest deuils withiîn a reasonable- urne, uriat this law be repealei., "Gove rnor Landon said. the <1936 tax law was cock-eyed. "It may not l)e very Bostonese but we say it word about the White Wings. Hit acimtluALLU V UL i'i aziism anaXU Lom-VU ** -- -- - - - -.. - mnunisrn mislabeled a New D~eal. Nuinbered among. them are many, of our finest citizens and truest Americanis, evidenced by the fact that they place country above Party and aire doing their. part to "save Ameia."ý' Glencoe has a robin that has adopted a family and two dogs. Betcha it's the robin that used to live on our window sill. is dafmned cocb-"yec&"