r, past S. John Miss Alicia Pratt's school of dancing needs no introduction to women of the north.shore..Formany years the scbool bas been a r.ecognized, leader in that field. Milss. Lindeman, w ho cornes direct from the Doris Humphrey and Charles Weidmnan group in New York, brings ih hr -in addition- to, the exotic personal charmi which is- hers,. a background of oitstanding achievement in character, modern and, interpretat ive dancing both. heme and abroad. She bas studied in Europe and recently bas taught there and ini this country. Her work with the New,-York' symphony aànd the Philharmonic orchestras is a testimon ,ial to ber great gi.ft. an exhibit of articles made by the Victory workshop, an organization -%hichi enables bandicapped persons to beconie self -supporting. The usual sewing of the sisterhood is scheduled to begin at 9 in the inorning, with a box luncheon at 12; business meeting at 1 o'clock, and at 2:15 the program chairman, Mrs. B.1 Leo Steif, wviIl take the meeting over,; presenting to memnhers and guests the deligbtful treat of the afternoon. Guests are cordiallW invited.-Contributed. is the ili be su MNrs. sCarl. A. avenue. Other new officers will be: First Vice Pesideit., Mrs. t. V. Cullison; Second Vice. President,- Mrs. J. R. McCUe, Treasurer, Mrs. Norman Deno; Secretary Mis. R. C. Johnson; Chapfain, Mrs.r . C. Leach, Historian, .M rs. E. H. Myrlançi; and Sergeant-at-Arms, Mes. F. Kidd. Arnericanism, Mrs. George Stone; National Defense, Mrs. R., E., Kennedy; Child WýelIfare, Mrs. O.'G. Mrs.. Daily; Community Srie Georgeý Bassier; Fidac, Mrs. D. C.» Leach; Finance, Mrs. Oscar Schwartz. Gold Star, 'Mrs., S. C., Warden; House, Mirs. James Chambers;- Junior Activities. Mrs. John Starrett;-,M em-.ý bersbip. Mrs. J. R. McCue; Music, Mrs. F. Ki,; Poppyý Day, Mrs. George Scherzer. Program, '.frs. C. B. Cochran; PubR. Benner; Rehabililicitv, Mrs. WK. tation. Mrs. E. V. Cullison; Revisions and Transportation, Mrs. G. C. Perftt; Visiting, Mrs. Norman ,Deno. Ways and Means, Mrs. W. R. Wilson: Editor "46," Miss Katherine Leal': Social, Mrs. Grace Jefferson, Sewing. Mfrs. A. Rodenikirk. by3 e L 'I M I Durting the afternoon ?liere wtll be 'lhle comnnittee for, the WVhite -Cafholk League Juniors î pliant and Rumnmage sale e the EleWjlmette Parisil Metbodist cburch on, W. the corner of Wilmette and Lake on Thursclay and Friday, avenues The junior auxiliary of the North anld 16, is l)usily collecting .15 ýOctober 1eagu Shore Catholic Woman's opened its season Tuesday evening, euiitril>utioIsis or the two-day event. with a meeting held at -Winnetka A Scouýt tent. a pony coat, aind'warm Hear Anita Burnkam a P agavc Sew for Winter Camp 'l'le Wilinette board of the Shore association will hold an meeting on Tjiursday, Octobe the homne of Mirs. Willard H.' 1007 Greenwood avenue.M will sew for thé winter camp. 709 -Church SIreoi r! sistMrs., Frank Crawford i te steaslL ing hostess Monday» Iý