Groom's Mother Is Worn by Bride 'lfe white satin -weckling dress otebrideg roo m's mother, Mlrs. Albert. Smith of, Kenilworth, was worn last Saturday by Miss: Lucille Mildred. Gundbrandsen, daugbter. of Mr' and- Mrs.. Charles Gundbrandsen 'of 550 IEarlston road,' Kenilworth, f ormierly of Evanstori, for ber marriage to Ferederick Le Smith. The dress, of the Gibson girl period, was white satin, made. with a short train'and trimd with duchesse lace.. Her finger-. tip tulle veil was beld in pace b a cap of orange blossoms, and she carried wbite chrysanthemnums and White chrysanthemnums and candies decorated the Kenilworth Union church where' the ceremony wasper.formed at 4 o'clock by the Rev. Herbert Willett, and button chrysanthemums were used for the all-wbite decorations at the Georgian hotel where the reception wvas held following the ceremnony. Miss Rosemary Price of Winnetka, the maid of honor. wore a gowfl of Be Among Brides of Late Autumn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert lGeor01ge MlNcKay, 823 Chestliut avenue,, annoôunce- the, engag emlen t of tliieirdaughter,. Betty Louise., to .T'homnas Eing'Snvýder, Ir..soli of Air. and Mrs. Thomas FEwN'ing Snyder of Evanston. The, 'edding, will take place at Christ chtIrch 'iniWinnetka,. Saturdav. November .14, anCrd - vill he foillowe(l by a, reception at the E ýxinoo0r Country club. Miss McKav attended- the R ovce- more school in Evanston aand vas graduated from Pine Manor, NNVellcsley, Mass. She is a member of the Service club, and only a few weeks ago returned from abroad wvhere' she spent the past tbree and one-hiaif months with Miss Margaret Bayliss of_-Philadeiphia, who wilt be one of the bridesmaids in the wedding party. They were in 'Rome for three weekis, then Venice, Florence and Budapest, attencled the Olympic gaines ini Gcrmany, and later went on to Paris aiid London. mai. he wore a dress of yellow net; rows of ruffles trimming both the skirt and Yoke, and carried. yellow liles and orange pompons. Mirs. Gundbrandsen was in a pr Il ccss dress of black satin with a sholder boutquet of gardenias, and MIrs. Smith in brown lace with gardenias. Serving Mfr. Smith as best mnan was Jack Neal of Springfield, Ill., a Beta Theta Pi fratcrnitsy brother at WVabash college. *Thinas .I.Sinith, fr., and his bride.flc orthea(lai loi Ptc dazigli fr of lirs P. H. Butler. 030 Liniden avenîueaiarcînoforifif, to Canada. flhe ea~san tiidti-iuqh heicCumî,berland moiitains on fhl cLddlnq jtr ip folhnoil; (he i ariraqe last Safî<rdav norîiinqi iSt. Francis Aa< ic)- cli ichi. The. bride wore a weddlin dress of ivorl satinî, a tiu/le veul, and car,-ied ii Spnl v of !ireia qdIle fte al..AtrJr ffr ldMs 1,odJrç vme C";arden ta-ia i NWAteva/v , Mvrs. l.mer icl 11Ilas een ke to serve as matron of hionor for iMcKay, and six other close fricnd<s w~il1 act as bridesmaids. They arc Mi... Donald Morrison, Mý%rs. David \fain Vactor, Mrs. William Howard Lang, Miss 'Mary Jane Randall, Mrs John111 T. Snite, and Miss Bayliss. Warren Sniyder will retuirn froni iýs studies at Yale tiniversity to he the best man for bis brother. The iishers, vi1be James Rankin Getz,. Robert G. McKay, Jr., and Wizner Fisher. Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lasater are entertaining a grou'p of north shore friends for cocktails at their home Smith served his brother iii Evanston on Saturday ýe reception following the wed- as Edward evening, best mian, and the ushers were Norwill be held at the Womani's man Vaughn, Francis. Godfrey, and. later taking their guests to the dinner dance at Westnmorelatid Country of-Eewt,,.Ralph Anderson of.Chicago. club. mony, attended by relati ves and close friénds, will be performed at 4 oPclock Saturday afternoon in the Orrington hotel in Evanston by the Rev. George E. Drew, assistant pas-, tor of the Winnetka Congregatiofial church aend a -distant cousin of the bride.A reception will follow the ceremopy.