rimth, Moderate -Price shop You'II go forth.in a blaze of glory, your social succe.ss (fashionably spea.king) wi.iI be assurèd& in these brilliant .fashions. Neyer in.the world, if it eren't for the price tags, woàuld youim ýagine that these Pàris inspireëd fro'cks céould be pri-cd 50 medestly. Yo'u.'II o k àlea illion but you'll pay less t+ian fiffeen. dollars for the ve ry newest, the very smarfest in "affer dark" glamour in Stevens', Moderate Price Shop. A sophisticated Princess frock of swshing taffeta with a flowng swnglime skrt t-hat witI rustie around your ankies mosi fetchingly. The stdrt bonds and the quaint bocflce bow of velvet are decidedly new and refreshingly different. Persia and a most deIightful taitored collar. I's. ined with white satin. Shades ot aur grandroo sin Tni dress rernniscent of the Gay Eighties made of very stiff moire wuth a very high molded waistline and back fullbustie. ness suggestive of a' EDOAR ýA. TIIS c 1614 Oriringtoýn, Ivansto