An>d iu'rezoith, ladies aud, geilitiemn unîistaka biceviene ha! i,ei Il 'ii . lralm. (of IV'hnu~' tai, did ao fisIiny at L.ake-of-h) Wl oods. Canada, réetntlv and did brjnq; bm-k.sanie corkers, as zvit,'çs th, 'Great Narthern PIike brin qinu up the' rear. If'.Ilrv S':t!, of uoiIzhio zas to, have 1 qkezz qanie (Os set forth in admiance nofi-C's a fe.Ww ocks ago) is the dsou;it woe a-i n fthefence ad<sçn' .311.,J3Jrj<J. ED CRANIE BOILERS Give Hfomeowners Botter Heat for Less Money The hot gase s from the burning fuel pagé directY ipiuderneatiz 50% ý'more "ceiling" AT, BIG DROP. INFUELBILLS, wH" THE y WEMB!IR HOW YOU u MATE TO STAT At M WINTER WHEN TUE S0 COLD AN4D DRAI 'l'le party, it will be recalled, proni-: ised te take no niu'skie weighing lCýss that 25 pounds, and further preomtised, 1ô bring hack their haul in a truck. Another gentleman on. the iParty Wvas. Harry C. Phipps of 1025 Dins,.,uore:, road, Winnetka, who, it was reported;. tooka brief but streuiuous cýurse "rock" casting, the procedure heing 11, t) cast upon the rockbound shores ini the hope. that the fish.< spotting whatt hcv surface in a Crane Boiler than in the, average boiler. Further, patented baffles direct the water over the hottest part of the boiler. That's why a Crane Bolier takes so much more heat out of a given amount of fuel and pours, it into the rorne of your home. S1-- of the curretit 'l'îe Wilmette Civic league is Iistedý amlong the first suhscribers to thei Comrnunttlitv' Chest funld. 111 a letter, addressedj to Edward A. Zimmernian, I Civic League Is Early Bird With Donation to Ch est First you feel warmth. Then you feel intense heat. Crane Boilers have more heat-absorbing surface directly over the heating gases. "We are greatly pleased with this hoiler and believe that you should be commended for manufacturing such a splendid piece of equipment." CH~ARLES S. CORSE, If you own an old-fashionied heating system, you' re probably paying good money for lots of heat you don't get. This heat you're flot getting goes up the flue or out with the ashes ... and your money along with it. If y'ou could just measure the big part of. every Vienna, Va. You too, can enjoy Crane comfort and -Coté to Nýew York, then t o Mexico by ocean.. About three weeks of ber time was spent in Mexico, during *Which she saw ail of the interesting SPots in a couintry whjch she founid most interesting. Mr.. Coté is stili there. Address......................... 1cily............. SMA TU RIAi