89, orrimon HOtel,Chc $4om i GRAY INSTITUTE 0F HOME ECONOMICS, * bric-a-brac-tUinr c1I nyI Ur. The tragic tale of xvary1> iu.t on a ramxpage, there is no1 telling ruler ill-starred Scottlfld, of queni what might happei' to whoni. lit a hilarious comedy, adapted .As a fiery, tempestilous actress,' of the sixteenth century. whose turreign was followed f romthe. William Hazlitt 1U3psol stowho develops a pet hate for a globe-' bulent. seven-year of prison. is ries of the Saturday Evening Post, trotting, author millions Of womnetlby- nearly, two decades Joe E. Brown appears1 as the star. Mr of ctan"RO have gone wild Ôver. Margaret Sul-toclu this Friday1 and Saturday. at the ilone. of hier best rolesle lavani is seenin Wilmiette, theater in, "Earthwlýormi Our Hme," a pîceWhich wilbe shown atth "Th Moôn' lu Tractors." atths rda. astthte amusing screen farce which plays this Monlday. A family picture. that witt be evnand Suilday. Friday and' Saturday at the Coin- day. 'the, film concertis joe With a cast. that includes Katlier-, joyed by aIl,su munfitytheatier. per-satesmain. of,'traca %hoas ar.Frd as ýQueen the girl. Othleris i Without ever having mietý, both of. me, Hepbur %iins finally tors, ohet alo i rcMrha have jiitie. personaitties famous these world as Qu'(cèliElza.- the, cast itnctude Guy Kibbee. oinhe relit (lis- Floretnce Eldridge. Gene Hughes, Carol taken ail instinctive and Lýord.Da'l-. Travis, the per- betth. Douglas Walt.otias lk'to each other; hle for Carradiine as David .Rizzio, hart. The picture, was directed by Joliii ev. in ikn vic eedre s1 lihe, Lord M\oray,* Max-, Rayniond Enright of First, Natioiits.m;and, Ian Keith asplayithsoreo sfme she endoràseh ichboosienw welAderson'es boks hewrite. ths raichitoicathranasourwcto aI'.s staff. she fr the"trasy" The mere, mentlion -ôf either's namne Guy Kibbee, who iakes, a major i)wil rli. itrcl Mhstai iii the' presetîce of the other is a iii "Earthwvorm Tra ctors" is the role ini cla fromi France toà returius Marv. and disgust of expression ail cue for star of "Big Noist," the Wariier picare the thronle of Scotland. miuchi to th' titre wlîich -wilt be showtî at the, \V.i1a derogatory epithet. But thev echpleasure of lier cousin. Erýlizabeth of uncreîonoulythrwnint mette tlîeater on Sunday atnd M .r gaî.adbrhi-rtir in love other's ams, fait desperately i Forced to Retire without kniowing thieir real identities, Mforav. the part of a nianufariakes Guy ~and 4UBfFy. Plots and intrigues. religionis dif- titrer who is fored to retire as hcail Margaret showers herself, on lier ferences, selfishtîess, and jealous.y, of bis company because of age. in drivine Mary f romn Scotfume, and FQnida; as~ thé exporer- result to take refuge Nvitb Elizabeth, Bored with idleness, lie buys a snial land author-hitsbatid, becomes deathly sick. wbo, in turn, has the unhlappy queen cteatiing business on the sly and gets He orders her to rernove the odor thrown into prison, tater execuited as, himself mixed up wittî racketeers and machine guns. To add to his woe from her person. She beconies furi- a dangerous, rival. .tbro-wïtîig starts Marie WVilson ptayitn' a Ou at his tirade, anîd as there's dumb-bunny role. thinîgs. Ini a huif, she packs up andl Even such magnificent niaines W\arnýer Baxter, Fredric March, watks out on ber bridegroomi. "The Devit Doil," sesational ,&orG'regory Ratoff, and Lionel flarry- of a unique and creepy revengc 'v - ~ j wedding night, with the liated per- ,-ýA.IA c à- A tl-e bitlrt 1.U L 1 ILILY MOMMMUM MIYSI Deyl Iperts, DçyI of Jutie Lan~g, bospitat on %i,.ntl the affections but the love interest is suhnurse, eltitre the sang played, 4() violinists nîerged ini the suspense anîd draina. chorus of a sonig while a silken back- the restraiîîed grimtîiess atnd realisnî drop behind her smoldered. of tlîe epic which tîeither preaches Miss Swarthout refused to hiave nior nioralizes but, tells its story witlî or otlherwise to a force that wilniake it one of tue the cameras stopped, interrupt the scetie, which to prepare, irmmortat dramas of the screetj. had required the cooperatioli for two exfuit days of music .departmnett perched atop a nuge. statnd the violinists, Director Edward' and a large crew of Sutherland "Too Young To Die" huiani beigs to doit size. Lioneti Barrvmore, Rafacla Ottiano .\iairceil O'Sullivan, Frank Lawton. and Heîîrv B,.Walthall, are thc. leading plavers. "Poor Little Rich Girl," he helovd chiild classic by Eteanor Gates. forrms the basis of the new Shirley Temple picture which will be seen at the \Vilmette theater on Thursday. Fritla,, and Saturday of next week. 'oung Western Renow, appearing ini Phsone -i*' ONL UIYMORE WflmSt~be 4092 Ilplaying in 1 ~I Broadcast of 1lit S Big .1934 porting to rote since first re-wo6d in, September, Lap'" as, his eigbth .