With, laughs from start .tci finish,i Horton 's. naive sirnplicity defeats- thé Schemiefs. and al turns out, well with the star winning the :young lady Of the piece. Mi5ss Glenda Farrell. Aunidopera singer, traveling witb a. circus. hears, a you'ng orphan boý 4itig and take*s him t o New York wlîere leic nay develop bis voice, in, ITt's' Sing Azain,"teVlnis atta<tini0orSaturdav.Pathos, and Comedy role, "P-oor Little Ricb Girl" is playing at the Teatro cdel- Lago this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. The beloved.. childhoýod classic b y Eleanor Gates forrns the ba1sis of this charming filmn, in Swhich Shirley, a ~.parnpered cb ilid,' steals, away frorn ber family and bas an exciting adven- author oft mat story, tor a second unpublished novel. The. new propeèrty is "Caviar For1.> IHis Excellency». Cary Grant -end .Akim Tamiroif wvill probably be assigned the prin-ý cipal roles in the ,picture, which concerns an Arn er ic an- adventurer abroad. Our Gang Coniedy Stranger Theen Pictlon - Terryt1oon FeaturestMarte Thuirs. 7-.45, 9:50 Feature Starts 'flday gt 6:30,. 8:15, 10:00 Feature Starts Saturday 2:.00, 3:;55, 6:-00, 8:05, 10:15 Sun., Mon., 'rues., October 11-12-13 lhv* lending of pathos and corncdvý and the voice of Bobyv Breén,. Child tenlor 0É radio. make thé. picturc gond familv fare. Special prais.e 1given, to the work of Henrv Arlinetta. and- Grant Withers._ Jeanette MacDonald'ss i in g 1ilng, rgigfrom Grand Opera through ppular tunes tb hvmiis ads mutch to e"San Francisco," which, in the m-ords of onie re-,'ie%',er. "bas evervtlhing.," and which will be seen at the * Valencia theater this Sundav and hie h, 4 brvcoast life. the earthiltuakc(. the tire. the. plighit of the refugeesý. the reforrnation of Blackie \oronu. and the satisfaction of Father Tinii. a., hiesleus the efforts of a life-tinie succcecd. rmn the: Eamut of1 Upon cornleting "C h a'm pa g ne Waýltz," Fred MacMurray will, beture. corne a swahbuckling. Virginian in, Deligbtful mu-. Frank Lloyd's new bistorical- romance, "Maid of Salerni, at. Para:~»' routines.'combine mounit with Claudette Colbert.. o add ,charm bt ShileyTemie Shirey Tmple the picture.: DiWesley Ruggles, producer and directed by- Irviîng Cumminigs, support- rector> of Paramount's "Valiant is ing parts are taken by Alice Faye, the Word for* Carnie," began bis-moGloria Stuart, Jack Haley, and Mi- tion picture career witb the old cha.el Whalen. IMaclc Sennet cmeoufit&. Straanled in London "Suzy," scheduled, for Teatro's screen on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, is the stôry of an Amenicali chorus girl, while stranded in London, hecomes involved in war tirne romance and intrigue. SWitb an exciting plot, the music, the unusual but thriling scenes of air raids, planes in combat, and splendid "suzT, FrauchLot Ton. - jea Hadwl Cary Graut ..3 Little wolves" - Color Cartoon Pote Smith Sport*Reel - Travelosà Feature Starts- Sunday I2:00, 4:05, 6:10,O 8:15, 10:20 Feature Starts Monday and Tueé4a.y 7:45, 9:0 WednresdaY & Tri ly. Oct. Gloria Shut - Ro.bert Kent Cçrnedy, Musical Revue, Travelog News Frlde 461 16-17 New Trier Trounces Morton 25-6; Canton Is Foe <n Saturday WVednesdav. to lie fol6owed 1) K~ent taking the principal parts, "The 'ErîwonîTractn-r,;*' ,;hh Joc F. Crime' of Dr. Forbes will be the Brown on T'hursday and FridaN. feattare attraction at. Teatro on Wednesday and Thursday of next week. Cbester Morris and Fay Wray will co-star in the picture scheduled for Friday and Saturday of next ,week, 'They Met in a Taxi." The gray-clad New Trier footbal siuad won the first victory of il! will take a squad' of twenty five va sitY men on the Canton trip. Çoai Funkhouse's fnosb-soph- tearn 'w le idie ovèr the weekend.