EXPE RIENCED HELP advertizemnents will be ac up to Tuesday, 9 P. ~.for WILMETTELIFE or ail three paper; Wednesaay 9'P. M. for WINNET rKAÂ I TALK and Thursday 5 P. M.- for GLENCOE NZWS.' Telephones: Wilmette I4300 , Wlnnetka .2000 (WlInnetka 500 after .6 P. M.), Greeniegf 4300 or sheidrýake 1216-1217. iPe.Fadline foriflsertiO I ii* ~Classified lcepted: WE SPECIALIZE IN HIGII GRADE domestic, help, ail nationalities.» No charge « ta employers. Refernices i nvestgatd. nder State supervision. FOR MAIDS AND COUPLES GOCD WAGES Establishied 26 years 799 EIni StWlnn. 1047 71LTN53-tfcl Iindgren -Empi.* Agency Reinihart' Empi. Agen1lcy 748 Eini St.> ILOST AND FOUND LOST-IN WASHINGTON PARK)], Saturday. a fitotbail., Finder llease phone Hobby Miller, Wilmètte 1471 ___________________3LTNý22-ltp LOST LADY'S WRIST WATCH, bCetweên,723 ElmSt., Winnetka and baek of Winneétka State Bank. 6radu.ttion gift. Reward. Wiimette 3730. àL.N22-l*tp LOST, SAT. E -1-, -3--xY . OLD BOSton Bull. MaIe. BroWn mark on eye, white bodY. Ans.,to, naie Biily. Reward. Phone Wilmette 4092. 31,TIN22-itp J"OtND. PlURSE WITH MONEY AT chool Saturday, owner xna$ Skolde have by describing. "Mrs. Donald De3 LTN22-ltlp frees. Winnetka 1124. [.(.-T INXIlE'N'COE, - CHILD'S GOLD in blue 'case. spect'acies rimrned Grove Miirked "Skippy)." .evr.7419 3lTN22-ltlp Street. Gieneoe .209. LIMPING AGO, 2) WEEKS LOST Keeshond. gray 4nd black fur. Liberal 3L,22-ltp reward. Caîl Glenvoe 248. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Winnetka 3399 68LTN28-tfc HAS SOME VERY HOUSEKEEPER OR, COOK FOR YWO adults or elderly person. Experienred PETS_ inIpreparation of tasty, Well balinceêl for nurses, maids & couples* meals. Chicago refs. :Applicant. is 35 WINNEgTKA 3328., years ()f age end cas drive a car.. Salary 818 ELM, STREET _______________________71LTN1S-tfc Under supervision of Dr. O. Norling- $15.00 per week with oWn Y-ooni and Chi,stensen,.. Inspection invited, baUi. Write A164, Box 60, Wilmnette, Ill' EXPERIEXCED MAID ÎO'R GENERAL Fifteen years of service to 68LTNà2P-itp housewvork. muet be, good coak and HIS MAJESTY. YOUR DOG. laundresa. 3 adulte.. $10. -Phone Mrs. ___suITuATION wAN#4TD-MALEz Harris. Glencoe 1754. .71L22-ltp. EXPERIENCED, ALL-AROUND MAN* WANTED BOKKEEPER-A NÎ) Spciail .wants house, and WisdoW cleaning, Separate quarters for eachdog., âtenographer who wants to, earn pin floor waxisg, Also odd jobs. money foroccasional part time work. attention givenjpuppies antd,-srall dogs. paàinfsgn, A-i N. S. refs. WILMETTE 2,088. :Winnetka 1780.. 71LT7N2*-îtcr Dogs cailed for and delivered. ____________________69LTN22-ltp PLUCKING-CLIPPING-BATUIN(, _W A N T E D, EXPERIENCE»HOUSEMAN, ]BUTLER, CHAUFFEUR, white girl for general housework. GARDENER. GERMAN-AMERICAN. No laundry. Small famlly. Willnette SINGLE. WINNETKA REFERENCES. 3993. 71LTN22-Itp 44L22Itp WINTKA 2915 WANTED: CANDY SALES ___________________69LTN22-ltp girls. Apply Ring Ting Candy I3EAUTIFUL ENGLISH SPRINGER spaniel puppy. Female. 10 mas. old. RELIABLE, STEADY YOUNG COLShiops, 906 UxliversitY Place, Inocuiated.. Perfect as childs pet. $10. ored mani wishes regular work. Hanse Evanston. 71LTN22-ltp. Gletieoe 1781. 44LTN22-Itp) grounds, painting, care of car, table 'WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEservice. Good references. Winnptkq 290. wark. Small laundry. Own room and 69LTN22-ltp bath. WEARING APPAREL____ References. $9-$10. Phone Wilm-ette CAPABLE,. GENERAL 2090. 71LTN22-lte FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL 'S A K S .TAPANESE housework or chauffeur. North Shore browii Kolinsky trimmed coat. Size GIRL FOR ALL DAY OR PART references. Cail Glencoe 1922. 1 4. Excellent condition. Phane %Vitlme, work. No washlng. Pri______________69LT22-Itp mette 3366. 59LTN22-Itc, vate room ni d bath. Phan'ý Wilmette 2838. .71LTN22-ltp EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES arau years' ,Carlson's Empi. _Agéncy. GOOD POSITIONS Youngr-nan's. Kennels 7,30 Hibbard Rd. WiI. 1312 Paul1ine's Emipl. Agencies CHARGE 'rO EMPLOYER Efliclent Servie for North Shore Flones WE INVESTIGATE REFERENCES 1NO COMPETENT HELP G'R-AND. MUST Sacifie.6512 . cago. SELL AI'X(E N. Clark St-, Chi40LTN20-4tl) \,Vilme-tte 2171 Four-th & Linden Opp_ "L" Terni. Davis 7777 634 Davis Evanstoi, 1Dl. WE HAVE FOR SALE, A VERY vhoive A. B. Chase grand piano. .Storage Mart, JEAESTORAGE, 1723 Benson Avenue, Ev.anston.4LT2-t 66LTN22-tfc SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE - I YP1rT~ T~.7c!u!rI UT~T'FD¶ workand cooking.N rn.r t ,m Clauson's Empi. Agenc, CAN FURNISH 1ST CLASS MEN]iLFOR cleaning. Exc. genl. and 2nd nio 70LTN22 Phone Wilnlette 1733. Scott Ave.. Hubbard woods., *ROUTE BOYS WANTED APPLY Winnetka News Agency. 566 Centeir Street, Winnetka. 72LTN22-ltpý HJULP WTO.-MALE AND FEMALE VIOLIN $35. REAL co672. BARGAIN. C,' LEN22-1 te Excellent Positions Open for greed, long nased Collie andlu eurOt...and Sunda sheep dag. Phone Glencae 957. 44L22-ltp ______ FOR SALE-IRISH SETTER. FEMALE. EXP- WH wislies ci H1as been spaded. 7 maos. oId. Hause broken. vine with .childrefl. $25.. Win-ý by day or 44L,,TN22.ltp 7 and 9. netka 58M LOFFICE SEèReTARY ast ln doctor's oIIce.' W 60, Wilmet4e, 111. 'VANSTON NASH CO. Now at Chicago Ave. and'Dernpster 77A-LTN22lte