SÙNDAY SERVICES Church schoÔl........9:45 Morning worship .... ...... il1:00 Junior Luther league ......... 3:00 Senior Luther league.....6:30 at 6 :30 ,till have. for Its a.m. evening a.m. "The Seriousness ofDioc. p.m. p.m. The Young PeopÎe's, meeting, Sunda topli 1Iar~'st (hMer, )n to our, nburg. will li II 1V IR'I1 WIII The music for the service next SunWilnette and Park avenues day xnorning la as féliows:, J. H. Gockel, pastor Érètuàe-"Adakgio,'. Sonata 3. .Borôwàli Antheffi-O Shepherd of Israei. . Morrieon SERVICES The Senior Choir 9 :15. a.r.-First. service. Duet-Cast Thy Burden on' the Lord 9:30:.a.m.,---Sunday,,school and 3i1ble ........... . H.iamblen classes. Joy Wilson and Frank Dorband ila.m.-Second. service. Postlud-' 'Maestoso," Sonata 3 .. ...... ....ýBorowski. Victoria McLeod-Miflistry of Music Social circle,' today, wlth Mrs. H. F Pressl,-116 lG6th street. St. Johmn-3 Lutheran Opeàn bouse, today. 7 1to1il p.m REGIJLAR ANNOIJNC EMFINTS, The Woman'a society wî111 meet on vember 19 and 20. Mrs.. J.. Fuller> Adult catechumen èlass, .today, :87SM Tu esday-7 :30 P.M. Boy Scout Troop is the chairm-an. Thiursday afternoon of this: week at the No. 1. home of Mir. 0. J. Drebus, ý-320 Third in the pastor's study. street,;Witmettei at 2 o'ebock. Wednesday ~3 :30 P.M.. Brownies; Senior Wlthier:.league, Fnlday, 8 p.m. The.following Scout troops. for-boiye Li "0heoncommttee asday m;ing sisting ýMrs. Burge wilI b Mrs. A. Howard, Mrs. . Melville Brown, and Mrs. -Fred 'Newey. The Cozy Corner crl will hold a Rummage sale in the >basemnent of the church, October'22 and 23. Doors. will be open at .7 A.M. ýThe Northwest circle will meet Fr1day, October go, at the home of Mrs. W.arren 'T. .Fifer, 1010 Linden aVenue. The assisting hostesses .will be Mrs. H. S. Davidson; Mrs. A. B. Tuc'ker and Mrs. L. G. Haines.7 6> :30 U eockUL. Ine FoUrtl ser-ve the dlinuer. Reservat ions must be reported to Mrs. W. ýH. Thayer, Wilmnette 1083, flot laterý than Tuesday' evenhing. The entire church> is invited- to corné ai enjo3y a long establlshed Custom. 'White',Elep)hant Sale" wvil1- be sponsored by the Third divis!ion.oni Thursday and Friday.of this week, October 15 and 16.. at the church. The Faîl Festival will bte held No- The women. of the church will sew at the Womfanls club on Friday of this week from 10 to 4 o'clock. 'Garments will be made for the, Children's Receiving Home of Maywoopd, 111. Luncheon will be served for a nominal sum. Enjoy a fine day at the -Womfan's club, doing your part for the children. Ail are wel- -7 :30, Boy;Scout Troop No. 2. -e and girls are spon.sored by this ehur-ch: Thursday-3 :30 P.M. Girls'.choir rxeGirl Scout Troop l-Thursday.s at 7 :15 ,hearsal;ý4 :00 P.M., Boys' choir rehears-. p. ni. (high sýchool girls.). al. 4:00 P.Mý,, Camp Fire Girls; 7:15' Girl Scout Troop- 2-T.hur-sdays ',:at P.M., Senior choir rehearsal. _ 3:45 p. nM. iuy t-aex meýts in qens Weekly. la-n *Girl Scout Troop 4-Tuesdays at.3 :45 The order, of service at Il o'clotck onh quire of Howard A. Hindley. p. mi. Sunday %villinclude the following: Browvnie Pack 1-Wdlnesdays at 3 :30 Winnietka circie. Frida1y, with Miss Augusta Homanni,- 67 Perovident, avenue. Chlldren's Christian education classes, Saturday,,9:30 am. - Wednesday, 4 p.m.' Martha, Guild, next Thursday, 3p.ým4' Prelude Andante...........Rubenstein Introit-"Say Unto My Soul". çpme. The ltev. Anmos Thot 1burgý who was reapp<.inted minister of the Wilmette I Dr. Walter A. Maier is the speaker for church at theasannual session of the Rock' Di-. Herbert L. Willett, ministei' the Lutheran Ifour every Sunday.ý after- l Rive,- Conference will be in the pulîpit We invite you to attend Churchi noon at 4:30 over station WJJD, 1130! at the Il o'elock worship service Sunschool which convenes at 9 :45 o'clock1 ke. Di,. Willett's subject for Sunday,, ocday norniug, October 18. This will be each Sunday mornlng. There are classes the first Sunday of the new church year, tober- 18. W111 be "Moderness of .eu. for ail ages. The Cburch service ls at il o'cl, On Sunday e\vening the Lutherans of adi ock. shpdta l eieswl greater Chicago are presenting a mag- pan t is hpe tha i emesw The Junior Luther *On Tuesday evening, October 20, ther-e gue, a flew or- nificent pageant, "Luther the Libel.ator,' The music for the il o'clock worship ganization for young Igh school stu- at the Chicago Civic Opera Hlouse at 8 srce next Sunday niorning will be as %vill be an informai gathering at the dents, will meet on St iy after.noon at o'clock. Five hundred players and a follows: home of Mr. and Mrs. HIarrvy J. Williarni.s. 3 o'clock. Miss ManJc Eckenberg Nill chorus of four hundred Nwill participate.Oga 1 4)"hidSna.... The Senior choir will rehearse on Frnday evening at 7:30 o'clock . and the Juniior choir on Saturda.y momning at 10. Anfhl-MorlTflngýUyhi' Offertory-Imprornptti ......... Psud-Postlude...... ....... Schmauck 1 I1Mtfreel Schubert Dubois Wllmette avenue at Lake avenue M eh'itC to tC uucc Boy Scout Troop -hrsasat Kenilworth Union present the topie. *Confirmation day afternoon at 4 o'clock The Men's club wiil meet on Wedne.ýday evening of next week. Oetober 21, at 8 o'clock at the church. We invite *ail the men to enjo.y this everiing with The Reverend John G. Hindle,%, minister us. Our motto is "A stranger only once.", Next Sunday morning this church class wil meet on Tues- of the mouth of God." Godnothumn wsdo, Gono umnwidml here. )?irst C n rg to a.......I...1..Mendelssohn Solo: -Draw Near, Ail Yel (Elijah)........ Mendelssohn .John Pilon .*~,*womgan.Postlude : fFirstSonata"........ -That word I prclamedOffertory People" polamd of i tLfem -qijLase naise-.... 3s Algoiasoovvc The Autuman Church dinner will occur Th, Church school will meet Suna 9:0 'ioknTeeare nrigat will receive a visit from Dr. Bryan S. on Wednesday evening, Novemnber 4. A Church Fellowship dinner wili be Stofer prsidnt ! te Aerian ol-classes for aIl ages, f rom the Nursery given. on Thuraday evening, October 29, lege, Modura, The Sunday school will meet at 9 :45. India. Dr. and Mrs. Stof-, to the~ Adult department. New enroilai 46,,30 o'clock. A fine dinner will be fer There are classes for chiltiren býetween were commissioned for service miente are made at. any time. the ages o! kindergarten and the high abroad by this church. Hiessermon school. Visitors are welcome. causes in- whlch the.womnei of the church and the community are interested. AIl women of Kenilworth flot otherwise engaged on Mondays are invited to coe in for as niuch time as they can spend., .,, trie giia is or m LUer IILit orgofU oy, our finister and iay I ors. meet at the ,above time and Begin- [Thorn' .elegates in these Important conferences.J ners meet >at il during thie church serv- esses Onevnin Fida net, ctoer 3, he East, End circie ls offering a mont; FIF' e represented Ilowing divisions,;ar-e meeting ýdr, October 22: -Lunclieon-Mrs O. A. Lun~d0Elmnwooçl avenue. 'D Luncheon -~ Mrs.. Amosf g, 1018 Lake avenue. C.; Mrs. E. R. Herlocker and Mrs. who Ils the guest o! Mrs. C. W. Wrigléy, Lwarm. court, Wilmette. It is poss-10: 30 a .-- 419. Maple ave- Canterbury ible that St. Augustinie's W111 have one St. AUgustine'es parish le entertainlpg during the Pan-American Conference the Most Rey. 'Derwyn T. Owen, .Archbishop of Toronto, and Primate o! AUl canada, who le stayjng at the rectory, and the Most Rev. A. U. De Pencler, Co-host- Archbishop o! New Westminster, B.