pany, N. Y. With sumnmer vacations over and children's ou tdoor 1activities restricted, If afrsfurther publishers areturning -their attentioni to Studio offers titis -opportunity. developmoenf tfo thos. -who books for boyrs and iirls. The ,new traininq. previoùs à* han have MAI DAVIS ST. latest Macmillan book list- for young GREenleaýf 1035 .people recommends.. inparticular Made-moiselle Misfortuniie by. Carol Ryrie Lao'secleaf ed boolc that fit the pocket. Brink,I' a Ncwberry prize.winner. Tbe Ypur own personal bookkeieping systean at story is. for the ag es of .10 to 1l4 inamali coet. Complete 'seriée of, blanks: clusive. girls-especially. Twelve full-' Addreàsa Crous-section, Engagement.> Diary, Music, Phoeto-gàountngi- Ledger, journal, 9age pictures by, Kate Sel edy illustrate etc., etc. the volumfe., Usetiad Unique -Alice, the beroine of Mademoiselle overbears berseif and, ber Misfortuhez, Printed loose-leaf andI indexed booksa t five younger sisters referred to as "émis#L.00, on Business, Mathemnatics, Radio,, fortunes": by:Madaru Toussaint. It Chemnistr>y, Architecture, Ajr.conditioning. m akes Alice 'angry. Her fatheri, Monetc. Ail summarimed and ready for. quick reference., An unusual ,Criatiras cift. sieur Moreau, bad once been ambassaWrite or phono FenD Germer,, dor to Peru, and - now, tbougb they 10028 Greeneaf 'Ave., W1.1. &SI have to live in à second-rate pension in bis çhil,remnids »4 Paris, he cou ladies. and diplornats are they that dren berproves Alice in the story Patronize Our Advertisers Early disa settles sbe when diplomiat a self p ute between a cocky littie. aId American woman and an irate taxi driver, with tbe unexpected resuit that she is engaged as a traveling conipanion by Miss .WIeatberwax on a trip through IlOur LEF X Bachrach Photo F.A. Stokes has recently .PUbýlishecd a ew book by Miriani Clarik Potter (Mrs. Z. L. Potter) of *Evapitit, popidàr e*thor of ju42enilc iterature. The ucu' putblicatioii 'AMrs. Goose anid Three-Duicks," is illustrated by Mfrs. Potter. Edilh Wharton Praises French "Bened*iction" France. *Rarely does one encounter so, imagiThe journey is full of exciting and native, so subtie and, at the sanie timfe, books. and anthologies. SO inile a novel as Claude Silve's Book review.s bave beeti contributed unforgettable experiences - visiting a h)v XSrs. Potter tn 1Henry Seidel Canhv great couturiere ta choose clothes for - Mrs. Goose and 7'hrce-Ducks is the latest childreti's book by Miriam Clark Jotter1 (Mrs. Z. L. Potter) of: Evanston, the author of mnany. juvenile stories in book and magazine form. Artist as well as author,. Mrs. Potter has illustrated. somfe of her magazine .stories, but 'Mrs. Goose and Three-Ducks is the first bo ok.for wbich she bas drawn ber own 'illustrations. Held together by a continuity, revol ving around Mrs. Goo se, the book concerns the adventures of thein habitants -of1 Animal Town:" Like the Dr, Doolittle stories, it is, a book of genuine nonsense and real humor, and appeals, ta children-of a wide range in ages. :Mrs. Goose bas foibles and faitings like any aduit, and much amusement-is. caused by her1 absent-muinded-, âess. and failure tQ rem ember 'important things. Mrs.. Patter is also the atithor of The Gigg7leqUicks, The Giant of A~-pple, Pie Hill, Captaiiî Sandpnan, and Salix' Ga1>bie and the FairineL Her cbildren's feature, The Piinafor'c Pocket, was published and syndicated for several years by tbe New lYork 1I:vcinig Post, and she lias contributed to sucb magazines as Child Life, St. Nicliolas, Amnerican Childlto d, a publication' for kindergarten teachers, and' Juioior Homie, now the Paren;t's Vaya- An amaing oollection of Photo9 r a p hs illustrating the oufstanding accomplishmenfs in various fields of photograpby. relased 2..90 Order personat Xmas Cards Nota good fortune to al l er tamîly. *Uon- word of ber tale to the last, in aur daaîy vinced sbe is no longer a mis foiiune' world, :yet not of it." Th cnisteargtolcaeu we leave ber sailing gway with Mis s Thseeisteargnadcaea ein AneWeatherwax togo t cl mr of Datnpard, encrusted in tradition, its tceg its very parquetry and Keeina of the Moiike%, People, illus- munimTelit rooxu, linen presses reministfated by the author. Walter J. WiI- bergamot-scented of a vanisbed past wvhich stili lays werding, a prominent artist who bas cent hand an the present. To restraining. its the Africailnge yarsin may spen betwèen bygone times border-land this jugle mny ear suet isgadohr is recomrnended by Macmillan for chii-adidy .rldb ybs~adobr ue the ages of 8 and 12 adtdy dren between old Marquise, C ount Hiorace de -- eethe namie appe W Vho' Arlisi Adventures story of the 1f e The autobiographical of. the internat ionally known American scuiptor, 'Malvina Hoffman, was pnblished by Chartes Scribner's Sons on September 28. J-Ieads and Tales, the tite which Mrs. Hoffman has given her Evo.ston icated to newspapers ail over the l eacing autnority on t great war, nays on ountry. In addition, he will, as in the it 15 "one of the few 'essential' books the ýast, contribute critical articles toj the war-essentiai ta understanding ,aous periodicals and journals in truth of the war. and of human nature Iiii war." ondon and Paris.